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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

Blacks Whites
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 Blacks (5)
 Whites (5)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Who invented the fist bump; black people or white people?


Is it OK for one race to take/borrow from another?  Does the race doing the taking/borrowing make the thing being taken/borrowed better or worse?  Does it create a melting pot society or is it pure exploitation?





Side Score: 5


Side Score: 5

I think they started that bro thing also.

If whites had not taken Native American land, it would be filled with casinos. Whites created casinos and the Native Americans took that, so maybe it was a fair trade.

Israelis took Palestinian land and made it better. I mean, it doesn't look all bombed out and stuff.

Vanilla Ice took rapping and made it worse.

So it can go either way ;)

Side: Blacks
DrawFour(2662) Clarified
2 points

Eminem took it back, and made it better.

Side: Blacks

Say whaaaaa ;)

Side: Blacks
ProLogos(2794) Disputed
1 point

Incorrect. Stoner Hippies created the "bro" the thing.

Indians would still be hunting elk and digging for gold.

They didn't make it better, they just stopped blowing shit up.

Rap rejected vanilla ice.


No it can't.

Side: Whites

I guess you threw down the gauntlet ;)

Side: Whites
1 point

Whites obviously.

They are much more concerned with hygiene than blacks.

And so they created the fist bump, which is a cleaner method for hands-on communication than the hand shake or high five.

Side: Whites
Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

Racista .

Side: Blacks
ProLogos(2794) Clarified
1 point

Magnifico! Senora, Mucho Fuego!

Side: Blacks