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Debate Info

Obama The Queen
Debate Score:24
Total Votes:24
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 Obama (10)
 The Queen (14)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Who is more "macho," Obama or the Queen?


Side Score: 10

The Queen

Side Score: 14
1 point

Obama is sexier. Damn, I would tap that. I might not like all of his politics, but he is so damn sexy. ;)

Side: Obama

He's not even shooting at the target!!! When shooting skeet you aim up high, not down low. How sexy is a man who can't shoot ;)

Side: Obama
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

Have you seen him without a shirt? Hotness! ;)

Side: The Queen

Right, that is how we know he doesn't shoot guns nor has he ever skeet shoot. Therefore, the picture was photo shop.

Side: Obama

Have you ever seen him without a shirt on? He's got a bad case of the beer belly.

Side: The Queen
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

Maybe he gained weight. Shrugs. ;)

Side: Obama
Delta(1348) Disputed
1 point

isn't Obama a petafile no wait he just gave out the Union right Army Wives TV

Side: The Queen
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

Obama is not a damn pedophile! Are you cons effing kidding me?! You can disagree and still be a civilized human being! Damn!

Side: Obama

Vladimir doesn't count because he was Photoshopped ;)

Side: The Queen
1 point

Queen,Obama,Queen,Obama shut up Delta and make up your mind okay I made up my mind Queen

Side: The Queen
1 point

phone came over and you smiled at me she send save you a good 1 where is the show on Saturday will Fast Five in have the extra money from his truck hey hey hey hey hey is it your birthday hey hey hey hey yeah

Side: The Queen
1 point

For Queen and Country! Seriously though. She has lived through some of Britain's darkest times and came out with dignity and a stiff upper lip.

Side: The Queen
1 point

Yeah for our supreme ruler of Canada! This is great!!!

But still, Vlad beats all, hes a black belt in judo and flew a Tu-144 strategic bomber and much much more.

Side: The Queen