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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

Good Eyed Deer Bad Eyed Deer
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 Good Eyed Deer (6)
 Bad Eyed Deer (4)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Good Eyed Deer

Side Score: 7

Bad Eyed Deer

Side Score: 4

There are some choices messages I'd like to get across to the other motorists on the road. And if all I have to do is write it on the window so they can read it ;)

Side: Good Eyed Deer

Just think of all of the possibilities. The hottie in the next car over. The knucklehead racing down the road. Yep, i like it.

Side: Good Eyed Deer
1 point

Yes this good idea because the technology that used in that video is extremely interesting if it will be in near future i will try to do all my best to have this))) Yes i'm saying yes to that video and this is good idea.

Side: Good Eyed Deer

I'm constantly telling the kids to keep their grubby little fingers off the windows. And the pups are also constantly pressing their noses against the windows. And I have to clean it. I hate that. ;)

Side: Bad Eyed Deer
1 point

This is a bad idea because most of the stuff the video showed was to occupy little kids. Also another reason why its not good is because you could easily get the window dirty and I wouldn't want that little friend to follow me whenever I would go on a trip. I would look out my window and look at the scenery instead of looking out on a screen. Usually when I am on a trip somewhere that is long a usually bring nothing that has a screen on it. I mostly bring books, look out the window, take a nap, and other things.

Side: Bad Eyed Deer
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
2 points

This is a bad idea because most of the stuff the video showed was to occupy little kids.

I take it you don't have kids.

Side: Good Eyed Deer
Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

Even if I did have kids I still wouldn't have that at all

Side: Bad Eyed Deer
Apollo(1590) Disputed
1 point

This is a bad idea because most of the stuff the video showed was to occupy little kids

That is probably the best part of it (for parents).

Also another reason why its not good is because you could easily get the window dirty

Paper towel + water

I wouldn't want that little friend to follow me whenever I would go on a trip

Then don't turn it on.

Usually when I am on a trip somewhere that is long a usually bring nothing that has a screen on it. I mostly bring books, look out the window, take a nap, and other things.

There is no law mandating you use it for the duration of your trip.

Side: Good Eyed Deer