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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

Google Apple
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 Google (3)
 Apple (7)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Who will win the battle between Apple and Google

The old dynamics between Apple and Microsoft are being recycled, with Apple still trying to control every aspect of the user experience, and Google, like Microsoft before it, is working with multiple partners to flood the market with a large number of devices.

While mobile phone developers favor the iPhone for now, “they are all racing ahead to develop for Android, too,” Mr. Kapor says. “Tight control helps in the beginning, but it tends to choke things in the long term.”

In a nutshell:

If Apple wins, consumers will only have one option and innovation will be stiffled.

If Google wins, consumers will have a broader choice and competition will spur better products.


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 7

Apple is a hardware company that does software.

Google is a software company that is trying to do hardware.

Microsoft tried to do hardware and their only success so far is the X-Box.

Microsoft kicked Apple's ass.

Google should be able to do the same.

Disclaimer: I'm a software person that does hardware on the side ;)

Side: google
1 point

If google or apple bring out a games console they would take the market for some years!

Side: google
1 point

But Microsoft's Xbox is dominated by Nintendo and Sony. Google or Apple would get crushed.

Best selling game consoles [1]

Supporting Evidence: Game [1] (
Side: Nintendo Or Sony
1 point

I support Apple, I don't know why. Maybe because of IPhone or something. Besides, what's it to you. If either of them wins, it wouldn't affect your life.

Side: apple

Ah, but it does affect me. Apple thinks that it came up with multi-touch. This means that they will take anyone to court who tries to do the same thing. This means that I can't get multi-touch unless I buy Apple. But Apple also limits some of the other applications I use (i.e., Adobe Flash).

Here, read this and you'll get a different picture.

Side: apple

Granted, Apple is known for hardware and Microsoft is known for software and both are experimenting in the other, so not only Apple beats Microsoft in hardware, but if they would be an open source, they would dominate Microsoft in software. Plus, competition would be great.

Side: apple

I don't think Apple would automatically beat Microsoft. The reason Apple software is so good is because it only works on a very limited set of hardware (i.e., Apple hardware). If Apple tried to make its software run on a larger set of hardware, they would have the same problems as Microsoft.

Side: apple

OK, I can see why. So, is open source a weakness of Microsoft and closed source a strength for Apple and vice versa?

So, would Google be open or closed sourced.

Side: apple