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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Explains a lot There's a scientific reason
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Explains a lot (5)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Why does Santa want to know who's been naughty? Is this why kids never see him?


it seems that nice people have never seen Santa. 

Could it be that he's spending more time with the naughty people?

Is this any proof of what Santa likes?


Wouldn't you rather spend your X-mas Eve with this naughty girl?


Santa does.

Explains a lot

Side Score: 9

There's a scientific reason

Side Score: 0

I was accused of being gay in another debate so I had to show a little more testosterone in this debate ;)

Side: Explains a lot

Maybe if i don't fart loud enough, Joe might not be able to hear me. ;)

Side: Explains a lot

You do realize, I can't hear. But I have a good sense of smell, so you just have to fart far away enough so I don't smell it..., or fart down wind ;)

Side: Explains a lot
1 point

LOL, I see your point :')

So you must see Santa a lot if he's hanging out with the naughty kids ;)

Side: Explains a lot

Actually..., that's way passed my bed time. I know..., I know..., it sucks getting old ;)

Side: Explains a lot
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