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 With so many prayers to heal sick children, how does God decide who to heal? (7)

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jolie(9810) pic

With so many prayers to heal sick children, how does God decide who to heal?

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2 points

Yeah, your question raises a good point. I don't know if you are serious, however, and really DO believe that god answers prayers. or that there even IS a god?

Or if you are simply joking and pointing out the fact that no benevolent god would allow the mass suffering of children the world over. Where thousands die every day.

Myself, I believe neither in gods OR the power or prayer. Well, not in intercessory prayer. That is, praying that some sort of sky god will intervene in human affairs--either for us on behalf of somebody else. Like if you prayed for a sick kid.

The only use of prayer is that it acts as a sort of emotional placebo effect for the people who do it. Like a sugar pill: they think they are getting some help but in reality they are not. Since there is no god.

The lack of ANY EVIDENCE EVER of prayer working is indeed one of the prime points we atheists use to disprove the existence of gods. I like to ask Christians if they know that the most religious countries in the world, and the most religious states in my country, are also the very poorest.



Why won't their god help his most devout? the ones who pray to him the most?

But instead the nations--and the states--with the highest atheist populations also enjoy more prosperity and a higher quality of living.



Why does it seem that the atheists are rewarded and god won't help his suffering flock who pray to him?

So if he did exist, he either cannot or will not intervene to help!!

So, even if he did exist, why pray? What good is he?

None that I can see.

LOL.'s a link to a Gallup Poll that proves god does not exist and that prayer is useless..........

1 point

And while I'm at it, another link that tells us how science has disproved both god AND prayer!!


1 point

Please make sure to click the Like button for sick children.

You can also click the CD up vote button on any of my arguments. Just saying.

1 point

God doesn't waste anytime on that. That's why he made doctors

1 point

Pun intended: I have no damned idea. My relationship with God is complicated.

1 point

There is much proof that science heals millions of sick children, there is NO PROOF that God has healed ANY. Support your local scientist.

2 points


One doctor of scientist is worth more to the World than 1000 priests or ministers.

In fact, is there anything in god's green Earth more useless than a priest, or a man of god?