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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Sure..., why not? Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:10
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 Sure..., why not? (9)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Women should play a more active role in human evolution by refusing to mate with...

men with small penises.

This will increase the overall male penis size

over time.

It will also increase female pleasure during sex

(although gays may end up a little butt hurt).

Women reach orgasm more easily when their lover’s manhood exceeds 5.8 inches, study shows
Scottish psychologists studied the sexual appetites of 323 women and found that most reach orgasm more easily when their lover’s penis exceeds the average size of 5.8 inches.

Sure..., why not?

Side Score: 9

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 0

Helping women achieve an orgasm can also be increased by being willing to eat anything she puts in front of your face ;)

Side: Sure..., why not?

What idiot said that sizes doesn't matter? Probably some small penis loser.

Side: Sure..., why not?

Just when I thought I have seen it all on CD. Does this evolutionary chain include you, Joe?

Side: Sure..., why not?

But of course..., do you actually think that I would tell women to cut me off ;)

Side: Sure..., why not?
joecavalry(40130) Clarified
1 point

Disclaimer: I already reproduced so... it doesn't matter much ;)

Side: Sure..., why not?

I read other reports that say the lengh of the penis need only be 4-5 inches, since that is the typical "depth".

Also women reported that girth was a more inportant characteristic when is comes to being "pleased".

I will admit that since these reports were likely written by men, they coul very likely be some bias here.

Side: Sure..., why not?
1 point

Ummmmmmmmmm That is very weird. And no debate should be posted about some of us are in 8Th grade!

Side: Sure..., why not?
1 point

Wow, lol. I find this to be a rather funny debate. I personally have no problem with this idea, although less fortunate men probably wouldn't like it. xD But I'd laugh at their misery, since I'm mean like that, lol. Thanks for the laugh!

Side: Sure..., why not?
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