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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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not so bad sucks to be you
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 sucks to be you (5)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

Women who don't shave?

women shave their pits, their legs, their naughty bits..... what if they just stopped?

not so bad

Side Score: 0

sucks to be you

Side Score: 6
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They would probably be forced to leave the Republican party and join the Democrats ;) Is_the_Democrat_party_the_party_for_ugly_women

Side: sucks to be you

I recall an episode of NCIS (boy, do I ever watch a lot of tv!) where DiNozzo (the playboy) was hitting on a pretty young woman. She started to like him when she raised her arm and, incidentally, he noticed it was covered in hair! Or rather, something to that effect. I'd rather feel soft skin then rough hair any day!

Side: sucks to be you
1 point

sucks to be you.....this topic is oozing with feminine musk, and that just grosses me out..

Side: sucks to be you
1 point

Women who don't shave get scarier and scarier as they get hairier and hairier.

Its ok to go a little feral , but women should eventually come out from behind the bushes.:)

Side: sucks to be you
1 point


There's only 2 places where I don't mind hair on a woman. Head hair and fanny hair. That's it. Obviously fannyhair stretches round to the ass a bit. Let's not get all technical. Well technically they have hair everywhere i.e. arms, backs etc. but that has to be fine, thin, soft - not like these greeks and turks.

Side: sucks to be you