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 Would you change gender for one day and if so, what would you do? (11)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Would you change gender for one day and if so, what would you do?

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I would change gender for one day.

I would go to a strip club in order to make money stripping.

I would masturbate on stage to increase my tips and see what multiple orgasms are like.

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1 point

Well said Uncle Joe well said. Kind of creepy but well said

That is why people call him uncle

1 point

I would go bar hopping and collect free alcohol in a large container while handing out fake numbers and making sure my boobs slip out constantly.

Then to avoid highly emotional states that I find confusing and frankly frightening,

I'd wait until I again had a penis to enjoy all my free alcohol.

Plus you don't want to get drunk and wake up all butt hurt ;)

1 point

I'd get arrested, just to confuse the cops :)

1 point

Joe, I like this one, let me ask another question or two before I answer this...

So, let's say you wanted to go check out your new equipment, but while you have the new equipment, you actually don't like the opposite sex (i.e. women if you started as a woman and men if you started as a man).

So, first question...if you are married, is it cheating to go and use your new equipment with someone other than your current spouse..which might be odd as they may not like the same sex (if you follow me)?

If you are not cheating, then can you go and have sex with all of your spouses friends that you find attractive (assuming you can get them into a same sex situation)?

Hmm, I think I might have more, but this will do for starters!

Interesting scenario. I like it when my debates leads people to think outside the box ;). I guess you would have to discus the matter with your spouse since it's only her interpretation of cheating that matters.

Depends, what are the chances that, that one day would be my day of the month?

25%. Chance ;)

Too risky for me. Plus, i am a giver, not a taker (if you know what i mean)