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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

Yeah, why not? Wait..., what? No!
Debate Score:21
Total Votes:24
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 Yeah, why not? (6)
 Wait..., what? No! (13)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40131) pic

Would you fake breast cancer to get implants

Yeah, why not?

Side Score: 6

Wait..., what? No!

Side Score: 15
1 point










Side: Yeah, why not?

As much as i like implants, i would not fake breast cancer in order to get them ;)

Side: Wait..., What? No!
2 points

This is a stupid question. Is this how one accumulates points on coming up with stupid questions to start a "debate"?

Side: Wait..., What? No!
brabradabrat(1) Disputed
0 points

Dude shut up. Get outta your cave and go live a life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Yeah, why not?
MisterGuy(1) Disputed
1 point

Nice "argument" there...your parents should be really proud of what they have produced...ugh...

Side: Wait..., What? No!

Lol. I'm sorry, I just realized that you don't have any reward points.

Actually, the question is not stupid in that a woman actually faked breast cancer in order to get implants. today-today_people/

But I can see why you would think that it was a stupid question so I'll up vote you in the hopes that you get at least one reward point ;)

Side: Wait..., What? No!
MisterGuy(1) Disputed
1 point

First off, I could care less how many "reward points " I have. Secondly, I read the original article before, and I still think that the original OP is a silly question.

Side: Wait..., What? No!
1 point

please tell me, how does one fake breast cancer?and if they do succeed in faking it, they ought to question the ethics of the surgeon,not confirming the breast cancer.c'mon i mean seriously, how ? And NO i wouldnt !!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Wait..., What? No!

Here is how this woman faked breast cancer. today-today_people/

Side: Wait..., What? No!
1 point

sorry joe i missed that bit im new to the computer. thanks . took a look and well wow what an absolute bitch she wanna hope someone doesnt get hold of her and cut em straight back off again.

Side: Wait..., What? No!