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Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 You took the MBTI, now see how much ou ought to be making. (5)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

You took the MBTI, now see how much ou ought to be making.

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I'm an ESTJ ;)

o.0 Well that makes perfect sense.

I'm an ENTP.

Why is it household income rather than individual income? Maybe ESTJs are only up there because they're more likely to marry ENTJs.

Maybe it's actually rated by how much income they individually bring into the household.

There are way more ESTJs than ENTJs anyway, so ENTJ would have little to no impact on the average household income of ESTJs.

I just think that it is funny that I'm a guardian when all I want is to watch the world burn ;)