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war is justified war is not justified
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 war is justified (2)
 war is not justified (3)

Debate Creator

christinashi(5) pic

if war is ever justified?

i think war is not justified because people dont want to get killed but, if people go to the war the may die (alot of people)Laughing

war is justified

Side Score: 3

war is not justified

Side Score: 3
2 points

"Is violence ever justified" is a similar question. The answer is:

Obviously if you have no other choice. When Hitler decided to take over the world, war was pretty damned called for, if those other countries didn't want to be taken over.

Side: war is justified
1 point

War is never justified.

Nevertheless, justification is not always required.

Justify why you're alive. See?

Side: war is not justified
DrawFour(2662) Disputed
1 point

You justify actions, you explain situations. Being alive is not an action, it's simply a situation.

if you asked me to justify why i eat, sleep, breathe, I'd say to continue to live.

Side: war is justified
1 point

I think that WAR is not justified because you can see on the large amounts of cases of breaching the Geneva Convention.

Side: war is not justified

All wars can be averted. War is never justified because it is morally wrong.

Side: war is not justified