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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

funny not so funny
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 funny (1)
 not so funny (6)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

liberal uc davis students get peppered sprayed ;-)



Side Score: 1

not so funny

Side Score: 8

I LOLed when I saw this. I was like, why don't they just go away and come back later when the police are gone? Or better yet, fill out the necessary paperwork to hold a peaceful demonstration on the property.

What did they accomplish by getting peppered sprayed?

I mean, did the colonists hold peaceful demonstrations against the British? This is America. The Ghandi thing doesn't work well here ;-)

Side: funny
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
2 points

I mean, did the colonists hold peaceful demonstrations against the British? This is America. The Ghandi thing doesn't work well here

Civil Rights movement?

Side: not so funny

Did the people who were part of the civil rights movement behave like like ows ;-)

Side: not so funny

Pepper spraying already subdued and peaceful people is unethical. It would be funny if the cop got shot right afterwords though.

Side: not so funny

Those people wanted to get peppered sprayed. How else could they have gotten all of that publicity? I mean, if they really did not want to get peppered sprayed, they would have left and come back later. The cops gave them exactly what they wanted ;-)

Side: not so funny