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Language Grade Level uses the Flesh-Kincaid Readability Grade Level formula.

Debate Statistics for Describe your 15 minutes of fame
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Side scores:
Describe your 15 minutes of fame : 10

Total arguments:
Describe your 15 minutes of fame : 8

Word lengths:
Describe your 15 minutes of fame : 3.68 ave

Language grade level:
Flesh-Kincaid Readability Grade Level
Describe your 15 minutes of fame : 3rd

Vocabulary overlap:
Describe your 15 minutes of fame

Total words used:
Describe your 15 minutes of fame : 117

Word frequencies:
adds  advocate  am  anglais  annandale  ask  back  because  bed  btw  c'est  cannot  clearly  date  death  decide  es  face  fake  fame  franais  french  funny  girl  guy  impure  ingnieur  j'entends  je  me  minutes  niece  non  page  photo  probably  put  que  right  same  seen  shopped  that's  think  thoughts  true  tu  vrai  yes  yet