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Language Grade Level uses the Flesh-Kincaid Readability Grade Level formula.

Debate Statistics for Let us discuss the IDEA of a monogamous relationship.
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Side scores:
Let us discuss the IDEA of a monogamous relationship. : 6

Total arguments:
Let us discuss the IDEA of a monogamous relationship. : 8

Word lengths:
Let us discuss the IDEA of a monogamous relationship. : 4.53 ave

Language grade level:
Flesh-Kincaid Readability Grade Level
Let us discuss the IDEA of a monogamous relationship. : 10th

Vocabulary overlap:
Let us discuss the IDEA of a monogamous relationship.

Total words used:
Let us discuss the IDEA of a monogamous relationship. : 286

Word frequencies:
'transfer'  adopted  after  aiel  andor  anymore  aviendha  badly  become  bonded  boobs  books  ceremony  close  complicated  confesses  confides  continue  doesn't  don't  elayne  engineer  eqwene  four  freaks  friends  himself  later  likes  loves  marry  min  normal  point  pregnant  rand  really  relationship  say  saying  sisters  sleeps  sort  sounds  thinks  twins  walks  want  warders  wise