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Language Grade Level uses the Flesh-Kincaid Readability Grade Level formula.

Debate Statistics for Tea Party VS OWS
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Side scores:
Tea Party : 2

OWS : 1

Total arguments:
Tea Party : 2

OWS : 1

Word lengths:
Tea Party : 4.1 ave

OWS : 5.47 ave

Language grade level:
Flesh-Kincaid Readability Grade Level
Tea Party : 16th

OWS : 11th

Vocabulary overlap:
Tea Party


Total words used:
Tea Party : 31

OWS : 15

Word frequencies:
against  americans  areamericans  beliefs  campaign  goes  hard  im  juxtaposition  laugh  me  much  occupy  pictures  portrays  quite  really  side  street  tasered  those  top  wall  wander