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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Arsenal's Reward Points: 220

Points When What Where
-1 Downvoted Argument 9/11 was an inside job
0 Created Debate Whatever happened to my mate, Slapshot?
1 Added Argument The Government is Watching You!
2 Added Argument 9/11 was an inside job
1 Added Argument Animal Testing
1 Added Argument Atheists - You do know this, right?
1 Added Argument Atheists, how would you answer....
1 Added Argument I am superior to everyone here
1 Added Argument Is it possible that there are more than 4 forces?
-1 Downvoted Argument Christianity VS buddhism
1 Added Argument Christianity VS buddhism
-1 Downvoted Argument Evolution is Not Science
1 Added Argument right wingers get big boners when they see the poor starving in the streets
-1 Downvoted Argument right wingers get big boners when they see the poor starving in the streets
-1 Downvoted Argument right wingers get big boners when they see the poor starving in the streets
-1 Downvoted Argument right wingers get big boners when they see the poor starving in the streets
-1 Downvoted Argument Why is Rape illegal?
-1 Downvoted Argument Why is Rape illegal?
1 Added Argument IQ: Ranges, Meaning, and Achievement
2 Added Argument What type of psychiatric illness is Religion?
2 Added Argument The theory of evolution and equality
5 Created Debate What type of psychiatric illness is Religion?
1 Added Argument DACA: What should we do about dreamers?
1 Added Argument Biologically, why do we have facial hair?
2 Added Argument I rededicated my life to Jesus.
3 Added Argument Evolution is Not Science
1 Added Argument Have you ever seen a thin person drink Diet Coke?
1 Added Argument Who is the best player at NBA?
1 Added Argument Was Imperalism a good thing?
1 Added Argument Do you think alofRI Is 90+ years old?
1 Added Argument Which?
1 Added Argument Does it disturb Liberals to look at this or do they even care?
1 Added Argument Is Obama just a wolf who masked the fangs with a smile?
1 Added Argument The heightened state of awareness system is useless
1 Added Argument Does God want me to burn in Hell forever?
1 Added Argument The many faces of Brontoraptor
-1 Downvoted Argument Do we need guns in America
-1 Downvoted Argument Are you an Atheist or an Agnostic?
2 Added Argument Are you an Atheist or an Agnostic?
1 Added Argument Are you an Atheist or an Agnostic?
-1 Downvoted Argument Israel is a horrible ally to the US
1 Added Argument Do we need guns in America
1 Added Argument Richard Dawkins slips, says he believes in God, in Freudian slip
1 Added Argument The Bible was right. Like it or not...
2 Added Argument Israel is a horrible ally to the US
1 Added Argument Life begins when the baby has brainwaves.
0 Added Argument Cats are not dogs
0 Added Argument الربيع العربي
0 Created Debate Bronto crapper is Prodigee?
-1 Downvoted Argument Israel is a horrible ally to the US
2 Added Argument Israel is a horrible ally to the US
-1 Downvoted Argument The Bible warned us that this was coming
-1 Downvoted Argument It's 420 day. Are you celebrating?
0 Downvoted Argument FromWithin is a spineless bitch
0 Added Argument FromWithin is a spineless bitch
1 Added Argument Should schools offer Honors/AP courses?
1 Added Argument Bronto simply has to be a troll. I have no other explanation for this
1 Added Argument Should there be advanced courses or AP courses in schools?
1 Added Argument God is God by mathematical and philosophical default
1 Added Argument Does the 11th dimension exist?
1 Added Argument Does the 11th dimension exist?
1 Added Argument It's 420 day. Are you celebrating?
-1 Downvoted Argument have u ever debated on this site drunk or high?
2 Added Argument Show me ONE scientific fact that supports the theory of evolution.
2 Added Argument All cultures hold equal value.
1 Added Argument If you don't believe in magic, Atheism isn't for you
1 Added Argument Is there a difference between a religion and cult?
-1 Downvoted Argument Grenach vs Bronto Debate Continued
1 Added Argument Grenach vs Bronto Debate Continued
1 Added Argument have u ever debated on this site drunk or high?
1 Added Argument If a woman orgasms during a rape, is it STILL a rape?
1 Added Argument Should we decrease the US military budget?
3 Added Argument Bible should be renamed Holy Contradictions, Batman! LOL
2 Added Argument Bible should be renamed Holy Contradictions, Batman! LOL
5 Created Debate Bible should be renamed Holy Contradictions, Batman! LOL
1 Added Argument Should the Third Amendment be taken out of the Constitution
1 Added Argument Arsenal gets absolutely destroyed by the big dog on the block, and it was epic.
1 Added Argument Arsenal gets absolutely destroyed by the big dog on the block, and it was epic.
1 Added Argument Should we decrease the US military budget?
1 Added Argument Why is Rape illegal?
1 Added Argument Is it a show of STRENGTH if you don't know where your aircraft carriers are?
1 Added Argument The Bible warned us that this was coming
1 Added Argument Richard Dawkins believes in God, and we have proof.
1 Added Argument Saying "you can't prove something doesn't exist" is a lie
1 Added Argument Richard Dawkins gets schooled by two carrots..
5 Created Debate Why is Rape illegal?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is Satan (The Devil) The Bad Guy?
-1 Downvoted Argument How did we come to exist?
-1 Downvoted Argument Was it wrong to drop the Atom bombs on Japan?
-1 Downvoted Argument Mark 10:18 Proves Jesus was not God!
1 Added Argument Should we teach hacking in school so people can understand to secure their data?
1 Added Argument Mark 10:18 Proves Jesus was not God!
2 Added Argument Was it wrong to drop the Atom bombs on Japan?
1 Added Argument What type of atheist are you?
1 Added Argument How did we come to exist?
1 Added Argument What scares Democrats about Guns

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