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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Aur0ra's Reward Points: 158

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Describe your ideal society in three words
5 Created Debate Describe your ideal society in three words
1 Created Debate Would Nom have sided with the whites during the Revolution?
5 Created Debate Abortion is the biggest dead horse in politics at this point.
2 Created Debate Which things are truly more SJW-like to whinge about?
0 Added Argument FromWithin is a conservative social justice warrior.
2 Added Argument Is it okay to abort an autistic fetus?
-1 Downvoted Argument socialism is fascism and fascism is socialism
3 Added Argument socialism is fascism and fascism is socialism
1 Added Argument Would you rather be saved by a fictional desert wanderer or by money?
5 Created Debate Would you rather be saved by a fictional desert wanderer or by money?
1 Added Argument Is it okay to abort an autistic fetus?
2 Created Debate The test of comprehension (2/9)
1 Added Argument Has Anybody Else Here Ever Seen A Movie Called "Reds"?
2 Added Argument Is it stupid that Rey is going to beat Darth Sidious in single combat?
1 Added Argument In a free society, why do hypocrites fawn over LGBT rights, & deny viable baby's right's?
1 Added Argument In a truly FREE society, what difference does it make to you, if Jim wants to become Sally
-1 Downvoted Argument Does Sarah's law affect the rehabilitation of sex offenders?
1 Added Argument OH NOES!!! Uncle Nom Dropped Another Sick Underground Beat.
1 Added Argument OH NOES!!! Uncle Nom Dropped Another Sick Underground Beat.
-1 Downvoted Argument What is the greatest threat to human freedom?
0 Created Debate How many loose screws does Excon's wife have and what parts of him can screw them back in?
0 Created Debate Why does Excon's breath smell like a baboons crotch?
0 Created Debate What is the smallest particle known to man, and the only one smaller than Nom's dick?
5 Created Debate What is the greatest threat to human freedom?
-1 Downvoted Argument Twitter Bans All Political Advertising. Good Idea?
1 Added Argument Twitter Bans All Political Advertising. Good Idea?
5 Created Debate What is your favorite type of tea?
-1 Downvoted Argument The Left refuses to address the reasons for broken families creating most of our problems?
-1 Downvoted Argument The Left refuses to address the reasons for broken families creating most of our problems?
1 Created Debate Why is Chinaman's only "yellow" part the anarcho-capitalist flag?
5 Created Debate The test of riddles (test 1/9)
5 Created Debate Why does AlofRI receive regular intelligence briefings from the Chinese government?
3 Created Debate Why does Mingiwuwu constantly try to mate with extraterrestrial lifeforms?
0 Created Debate Why are Excon's nipples shaped like a flathead screwdriver?
0 Created Debate Why is Nom's dick so incredibly microscopic?
1 Added Argument Galileo Galilei: eretico o scienziato.
1 Added Argument Can the scientific community open up its mind just a crack?
1 Added Argument The difference between communism, and democratic socialism.
1 Added Argument Progressives versus conservatives.
-1 Downvoted Argument
2 Added Argument Progressives versus conservatives.
1 Created Debate enthusiastically insane
2 Added Argument This Kid Is Absolutely Sick
1 Added Argument FromWithin compares voting for a prochoice Dem, to voting for a KKK member.
1 Added Argument does a mingiwuwu keep the alien device in its trousers
2 Added Argument I found it easy to hack the profile of a socialist
5 Created Debate I found it easy to hack the profile of a socialist

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