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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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BurritoLunch's Reward Points: 6566

Points When What Where
-1 Downvoted Argument What would your blueprint be to end all forms on inequality?
-1 Downvoted Argument Your Best Plan to Reduce Poverty
2 Added Argument What would your blueprint be to end all forms on inequality?
-1 Downvoted Argument What would your blueprint be to end all forms on inequality?
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument
9 Added Argument Your Best Plan to Reduce Poverty
1 Added Argument If there IS voter fraud, will suppressing black people from voting cure it??
-1 Downvoted Argument
10 Added Argument What do you think of Joe Biden falling down?
-1 Downvoted Argument What do you think of Joe Biden falling down?
-1 Downvoted Argument Hate or don't hate - THAT is the question
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument Hate or don't hate - THAT is the question
-1 Downvoted Argument What do you think of Joe Biden falling down?
10 Added Argument What do you think of Joe Biden falling down?
2 Added Argument Why are life's losers and the poor so prejudiced and resentful?
-1 Downvoted Argument Why are Americans so obsessed with Racism?
-1 Downvoted Argument Why are Americans so obsessed with Racism?
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument Why are Americans so obsessed with Racism?
-1 Downvoted Argument What does Freedom mean?
0 Added Argument Breastfeeding versus Bottle Feeding
9 Added Argument Why are Americans so obsessed with Racism?
-1 Downvoted Argument Why are Americans so obsessed with Racism?
-1 Downvoted Argument Why are Americans so obsessed with Racism?
5 Added Argument Why are Americans so obsessed with Racism?
2 Added Argument Biden can't climb a flight of stairs
-1 Downvoted Argument Biden can't climb a flight of stairs
0 Added Argument Why Why Why isn't music this good anymore?
-1 Downvoted Argument What's going on here?
-1 Downvoted Argument What's going on here?
-1 Downvoted Argument Why were the Japanese so cruel to POWs during WW2?
-1 Downvoted Argument Why were the Japanese so cruel to POWs during WW2?
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument The left fear the return of Trump as much as demons fear the return of Christ
-1 Downvoted Argument The left fear the return of Trump as much as demons fear the return of Christ
4 Added Argument The left fear the return of Trump as much as demons fear the return of Christ
-1 Downvoted Argument
8 Added Argument What's going on here?
-1 Downvoted Argument What does Freedom mean?
0 Added Argument I think this is the coolest video I've ever seen
-1 Downvoted Argument What does Freedom mean?
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument What does Freedom mean?
10 Added Argument What does Freedom mean?
-1 Downvoted Argument What does Freedom mean?
-1 Downvoted Argument What does Freedom mean?
-1 Downvoted Argument What does Freedom mean?
-1 Downvoted Argument What does Freedom mean?
-1 Downvoted Argument What does Freedom mean?
1 Added Argument Good old American common sensense prevails/Trump is acquitted of Impeacment. .
1 Added Argument License
-1 Downvoted Argument License
-1 Downvoted Argument You're right, I do know exactly what you mean.
1 Added Argument If The Government Legalised Tanks...
-1 Downvoted Argument If You're A Fake Jew, Do You KNOW You're A Fake Jew?
1 Added Argument If You're A Fake Jew, Do You KNOW You're A Fake Jew?
5 Created Debate If You're A Fake Jew, Do You KNOW You're A Fake Jew?
-1 Downvoted Argument If you’re a piece of shit, do you KNOW you’re a piece of shit?
2 Added Argument If you’re a piece of shit, do you KNOW you’re a piece of shit?
2 Added Argument If you’re a piece of shit, do you KNOW you’re a piece of shit?
-1 Downvoted Argument You're right, I do know exactly what you mean.
-1 Downvoted Argument Man charged in US Capitol riot worked for FBI, lawyer says
8 Added Argument You're right, I do know exactly what you mean.
-1 Downvoted Argument You're right, I do know exactly what you mean.
0 Downvoted Argument Are Violent Video Games Good for Kids?
0 Added Argument Are Violent Video Games Good for Kids?
5 Created Debate Six Gun Amarel Seems To Be Really Losing The Plot Lately
-1 Downvoted Argument Government should provide guns as free healthcare protection
-1 Downvoted Argument Government should provide guns as free healthcare protection
1 Added Argument Is black lives matter racist?
1 Created Debate Dana Needs To Simply Accept That Odin Is The One True God
-1 Downvoted Argument When Communism wins over the West, women's rights will be gone forever
-1 Downvoted Argument Iran Nuclear Deal
4 Added Argument Is black lives matter racist?
1 Added Argument Amarel Has 6 Guns. His Wife Has Mace To Protect Herself From Amarel's Guns
-1 Downvoted Argument
2 Added Argument Burritolunch has a woody thinking about Hitler and Cuomo going after Jews
5 Created Debate Amarel Has 6 Guns. His Wife Has Mace To Protect Herself From Amarel's Guns
-1 Downvoted Argument Government should provide guns as free healthcare protection
2 Added Argument Guys, Screech From Saved By The Bell Died
-1 Downvoted Argument Government should provide guns as free healthcare protection
1 Added Argument Can the Democrats impeach a ''FORMER'' President who doesn't hold any other public office?
-1 Downvoted Argument Can the Democrats impeach a ''FORMER'' President who doesn't hold any other public office?
-1 Downvoted Argument Internet Rambo Amarel Needs Six Guns To Protect Himself. Here's Why
1 Added Argument Can the Democrats impeach a ''FORMER'' President who doesn't hold any other public office?
7 Added Argument Internet Rambo Amarel Needs Six Guns To Protect Himself. Here's Why
-1 Downvoted Argument Why is there minimal media coverage on the Putin critic Navalny's affair?
3 Added Argument Internet Rambo Amarel Needs Six Guns To Protect Himself. Here's Why
5 Created Debate Internet Rambo Amarel Needs Six Guns To Protect Himself. Here's Why
-1 Downvoted Argument Why is there minimal media coverage on the Putin critic Navalny's affair?
-1 Downvoted Argument
3 Added Argument Federalists v Antifederalists

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