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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Caspion's Reward Points: 228

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Should a space colony on the moon be created for refugees?
2 Created Debate FBI Agent, Who Exposed Hillary Clinton Cover-up, Found Dead
5 Created Debate Should a space colony on the moon be created for refugees?
1 Added Argument Finally - a solution to the Palestinian/Israeli conflict
5 Created Debate Nom is a brainwashed political hack
1 Added Argument My BONES are telling me something.. The Mueller report will be released within two weeks
1 Added Argument Are Republicans in congress AFRAID of Trump?
1 Added Argument Is Trump working HARD for you, or watching TV??
1 Added Argument If NATIONAL SECURITY is as important as Trump says it is, you'd think he'd PAY the TSA
1 Added Argument Are MISSION ACCOMPLISHED statements in the age of terror, a fools errand?
1 Added Argument Will America ever have a mexican muslim transgender president?
1 Added Argument When Republicans Say "Small Government" What They Mean Is ELITIST Government
3 Created Debate Only liberals hate their own and refuse to allow them to defend themselves
1 Added Argument Jim Acosta Unintentionally Proves That Border Walls Work
1 Added Argument Pro wall prove me wrong
3 Added Argument Pro wall prove me wrong
1 Added Argument Tons of marijuana ARE crossing the border, but WHICH direction?
1 Added Argument Fact: Mexicans are NOT crossing the border. Why don't rightwingers KNOW that?
5 Created Debate If you lock your doors, you believe in walls
1 Created Debate Who said it, Obama, Hillary or Donald Trump?
1 Created Debate Who said it, Bill Clinton or Donald Trump?
5 Created Debate Libs plan on rebutting Trump's address before hearing it
0 Created Debate The only reason to not accept donations for a wall is you're open borders
1 Created Debate Are seperate space colonies for cons and libs a way to settle political disputes
5 Created Debate If my friends and I colonize another planet, do we have to let you live there?
2 Added Argument You can pay more taxes voluntarily, so why don't libs do it?
1 Added Argument Leftists PANIC After Discovering Coachella Owner Donates Thousands To Republican
1 Created Debate Leftists are systematically dumbing down the West
0 Created Debate We need a reality show where socialists have to live in Venezuela
1 Added Argument Did FOX News catch Sarah Sanders LYING through her teeth about the border??
1 Added Argument Liberal Disneyland raises tickets to over $100 for a day pass
5 Created Debate Vermont newspaper editorial board: 'We beg' Bernie Sanders not to run in 2020
2 Added Argument Are we gonna RUN OUT of oil?
1 Added Argument Best of Ocasio Cortez
2 Created Debate Obama's Spygate 'Greatest federal law enforcement scandal in history
5 Added Argument Trump doesn't surprise me.. I'm surprised by the complete capitulation of the Republicans
3 Created Debate Best of Ocasio Cortez
5 Created Debate If most Americans think the media is fake, are they?
3 Created Debate Mitt Romney is prepping to run against Trump in 2020
2 Created Debate Ocasio Cortez thinks you can land on the sun as long as it's night
2 Added Argument Who does outlaw hate more than Al and me? It's Alexandria Ocasio Cortez DANCING??
3 Added Argument What's the SWAMP?
-1 Downvoted Argument When illegals kill with guns libs suddenly are quiet on gun control
1 Added Argument When illegals kill with guns libs suddenly are quiet on gun control
1 Added Argument The grand jury is CLOSED.. If they DON'T indict some really bad people, they'll go FREE.
4 Created Debate Why do lib politicians have armed guards and walls around their houses
5 Created Debate Should we continue to defend South Korea from North Korea?
5 Created Debate Is a snake in the grass or a dimentia patient a bigger threat to America?

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