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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Factology's Reward Points: 405

Points When What Where
2 Created Debate Amarel doesn't even cook his rice
5 Created Debate Some kids get sand for breakfast, and they get bombs for their birthday
0 Created Debate Is Mingiwuwu a FreeMason?
5 Created Debate Is capitalism the natural state of things?
-1 Downvoted Argument Trump is like a living manifestation of all that is wrong with capitalism.
-1 Downvoted Argument Trump is like a living manifestation of all that is wrong with capitalism.
0 Added Argument Amarel's Empty Rhetoric Is So Sad. Despite His Wall Of Lies I Feel Sorry For Him
0 Added Argument The most prominant members of CD
1 Added Argument As opposed to China and Vietnam, WHY is Russia NEVER gonna be CAPITALIST?
0 Added Argument Sv3rige- "Serial killers are the real heroes".
0 Added Argument juicy flow sauces
1 Added Argument Should college admissions be based solely on merit? Or race too?
0 Created Debate juicy flow sauces
0 Downvoted Argument What should be the punishment for speaking untruths?
-1 Downvoted Argument As opposed to China and Vietnam, WHY is Russia NEVER gonna be CAPITALIST?
-1 Downvoted Argument As opposed to China and Vietnam, WHY is Russia NEVER gonna be CAPITALIST?
0 Downvoted Argument What should be the punishment for speaking untruths?
0 Created Debate Sv3rige- "Serial killers are the real heroes".
1 Created Debate Will trans women be able to biotechnologically transform into real women?
5 Created Debate Is the scientific method infallible?
0 Created Debate shark breathed zionist banksters
-1 Downvoted Argument What ONE thing EQUALIZES us more than ANYTHING?
4 Added Argument What ONE thing EQUALIZES us more than ANYTHING?
3 Created Debate My current top ten favorite raps

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