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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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GoodListener's Reward Points: 603

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Let me give you some examples of Narcissism & what insecurity does to people.
0 Added Argument pasteurization destroys nutrients
0 Added Argument Which is worse, tobacco or cannibis?
4 Added Argument Who's more honest CNN or Alex Jones?
3 Added Argument How Innocent and Naive is God for creating such a World for all living beings
0 Added Argument Would it bother you?
1 Added Argument If you're a cop AND a Democrat, do you REFUSE to arrest liberals??
0 Added Argument Anyone else notice that Roy Moore doesn't know how to ride a horse?
1 Added Argument Can you imagine Trump doing this???
1 Added Argument Is Gary Busey going to replace Amarosa??
10 Added Argument Is it time to investigate Mueller?
2 Added Argument Is it time to impeach Nancy Pelosi?
1 Added Argument Is pc gaming better than console gaming.
1 Added Argument Will you Debate an Economic Issue of your choice?
2 Added Argument Palestine / Israel Conflict
1 Added Argument Trump will be President for two terms
1 Added Argument Hillary Clinton would have already attacked North Korea. Yes or no?
10 Added Argument Who's more honest CNN or Alex Jones?
3 Added Argument Can progressives be prolife?
2 Added Argument Are transgender people legitimately the gender they say they are?
3 Added Argument Is there a such thing as 100% contraception.
1 Added Argument Satanist sues to remove God from cuyrrency.
0 Added Argument Doug Jones victory over Roy Moore - I'm not sure I'm ok with it
1 Added Argument Should the police be allowed to arrest people who sell alcohol to teens on home ground?

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