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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Kilcom's Reward Points: 237

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Everywhere the Coronavirus spread to had leftist border travel policies
1 Added Argument Why does the anti science party turn to science when it's in trouble??
1 Added Argument Is it ethical to have a national DNA database?
1 Added Argument Women refuse to date men who make less money than them
1 Added Argument When Her Majesty's Government fails, only the strong will survive
1 Added Argument Hey Bronto. If The Right Wing Is So Great, Then Why Did Hitler Kill Himself?
0 Added Argument The leftist propaganda media says calling it the Chinese or Wuhan Virus is racist
1 Added Argument The Isolationists were right
1 Added Argument Coronavirus. Chinese biological weapon?
-1 Downvoted Argument Has Anybody Tried To Buy Toilet Roll Recently?
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument Has Anybody Tried To Buy Toilet Roll Recently?
1 Added Argument Has Anybody Tried To Buy Toilet Roll Recently?
1 Added Argument Why do so many diseases originate in China?
1 Added Argument If you’re fucking somebody should you ask them to take off their mask?
1 Added Argument Without testing, will panic ensue??
1 Added Argument No body is 100% atheist
0 Added Argument Mexico closing border to the United States
1 Added Argument Does Wales really exist?
1 Added Argument Why should we treat EVERYBODY for the coronavirus but nothing else??
1 Added Argument Far left Yahoo News: Trump has highest approval of any President in last 20 year
1 Added Argument Making sure that society is a meritocracy is more important than morality or equality
1 Added Argument Is Trump trying to be dictator, enforcing his power on major countries ?
-1 Downvoted Argument ‘Islamist-Related’ terror attack in London
-1 Downvoted Argument Here are the Democrats : California Lawmaker wants to make it illegal to "Not Vote"
-1 Downvoted Argument Here are the Democrats : California Lawmaker wants to make it illegal to "Not Vote"
1 Added Argument Democrats "Emoluments Lawsuit" goes down in flames
1 Added Argument If your neighbor is undocumented and HAS the Coronavirus, should he be treated for free?
-1 Downvoted Argument Bette Midler has a meltdown over a tweet
1 Added Argument Here are the Democrats : California Lawmaker wants to make it illegal to "Not Vote"
1 Added Argument Proof that libs want to destroy America
1 Added Argument Every group has their share of assholes - the libs have Nancy - the conservatives have
1 Added Argument Who Else Was Gutted To Hear That Kirk Douglas Had Passed Away?
1 Added Argument DOW 29,290.85
1 Added Argument Trump acquitted
1 Added Argument Bette Midler has a meltdown over a tweet
1 Added Argument What are Democrats going to do now that Impeachment failed
1 Added Argument If you move from a rural to an urban area - you will develop a left-leaning bias.
1 Added Argument Is Asia the most dangerous continent in the world?
1 Added Argument Democrat Law Professor calls on Pelosi to resign - Say What
1 Added Argument Nancy Pelosi rips up Trump's speech
0 Added Argument Does CreateDebate work?
3 Added Argument UK will end "Early Release" program for "Convicted Terrorists"
1 Added Argument Dems try to attack Trump for tweeting that Kansas City is in Kansas, but it is.
2 Added Argument Britain finally leaves the European Union. Good or bad?
1 Added Argument The Democratic House had made a laughing stock out of the United States
-1 Downvoted Argument Dems try to attack Trump for tweeting that Kansas City is in Kansas, but it is.
2 Added Argument ‘Islamist-Related’ terror attack in London

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