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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Pineapple's Reward Points: 1449

Points When What Where
2 High Rated Argument Should the driving age be raised to 18?
2 High Rated Argument Is the United States of America abusing its power?
9 High Rated Argument Should child pornography be decriminalized?
1 High Rated Argument Fox News: "Ultra Right wing Propaganda" or "Just the facts"
2 High Rated Argument Present day, is it more important to focus on fixing the economy or the environment?
1 Added Argument Shoiuld parents have a say in their child's career description ??
1 Added Argument Is the world a better place without christians?
1 Added Argument Should child pornography be decriminalized?
10 High Rated Argument Who is better? Sonic or Mario?
1 Added Argument Creation vs. Evolution
-1 Downvoted Argument Creation vs. Evolution
1 Added Argument Is abortion killing an innocent life?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is abortion killing an innocent life?
1 Added Argument If you had a chance to start your life over, would you?
-1 Downvoted Argument When is the right time to say I love u?
1 Added Argument When is the right time to say I love u?
1 Added Argument Is this a good idea for a product?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is this a good idea for a product?
-1 Downvoted Argument Are we going to kill ourselves?
1 Added Argument Are we going to kill ourselves?
5 Created Debate Are we going to kill ourselves?
1 Added Argument Should the medical profession force-feed anorexics as part of their treatment?
1 Added Argument Should all people have dogs (unless of allergy)
1 Added Argument Jesus had long hair, yet why does the bible contradict men with long hair?
1 Added Argument Here's an example what Nationalized Health Care can become.
-1 Downvoted Argument Here's an example what Nationalized Health Care can become.
1 Added Argument Hard or soft shell tacos?
-1 Downvoted Argument Obama's 'change' you can believe!
1 Added Argument How did you find CreateDebate?
4 Added Argument Obama's 'change' you can believe!
1 Added Argument Death Before Dishonour?
4 Added Argument What changes would you make to society if you were the dictator of the world and why
1 Added Argument Webcam option for CreateDebate. Thoughts?
1 Added Argument Webcam option for CreateDebate. Thoughts?
4 High Rated Argument Should Waterboarding Suspected Terrorists Be Legal?
1 Added Argument Is it ever justifiable for protesters to break the law due to their cause?
1 Added Argument What is your favorite book all time?
1 Added Argument Can any part of the bible be considered an accurate historical source?
1 Added Argument If you were homosexual, would you lie about it?
2 Added Argument I believe in the 'slippery slope'.
2 Added Argument Should Waterboarding Suspected Terrorists Be Legal?
1 Added Argument On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being really cool) how cool is this?
1 Added Argument Is DebateZone better than CreateDebate?
2 Created Debate Is having multiple spouses punishment enough for polygamists?
1 Added Argument What's the best strategy for building a sound, solid relationship?
3 Added Argument Americans watch too much TV.
1 Added Argument Religion leeds to immoral behavior
3 Added Argument Should AIDS drugs be made cheaper for developing countries?

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