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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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ProLogos's Reward Points: 2794

Points When What Where
4 Added Argument Down voters need to realize.
5 Created Debate Down voters need to realize.
-1 Downvoted Argument Has this website become *more* toxic?
2 Added Argument Has this website become *more* toxic?
2 Added Argument The Scary AR -15 !
1 Added Argument When do we really have fun? Are we not allways aware of it?
2 Added Argument LOGIC BITCH #1
-1 Downvoted Argument Is "Maybe" always a valid argument?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is "Maybe" always a valid argument?
-1 Downvoted Argument We need knife control.
-1 Downvoted Argument We need knife control.
2 Added Argument What team is better: Barcelona or Real Madrid?
3 Added Argument We need knife control.
1 Added Argument New Heinz Ketchup Packets Or The Old Ones?
1 Added Argument What is the better hotdog condiment? Ketchup or mustard?
1 Added Argument What is better ketchup or mustard?
1 Added Argument Do you dip your fries in ketchup or squirt ketchup all over your fries?
1 Added Argument #PrideForNoOne
5 Added Argument We need knife control.
10 Added Argument Is "Maybe" always a valid argument?
1 Added Argument Sodomy May Spread To Indiana!
5 Created Debate Is "Maybe" always a valid argument?
5 Added Argument Is outlaw60, the Hellno user as well?
2 Added Argument Is outlaw60, the Hellno user as well?
5 Created Debate Is outlaw60, the Hellno user as well?
1 Added Argument The History of Human Evolution in Four Minutes!
1 Added Argument Blacks Commit 11 Times More Homicides Than Whites
1 Added Argument A vote for Brexit is a vote against a one world government.
2 Added Argument A vote for Brexit is a vote against a one world government.
7 Added Argument Genetic Mutations Explained
1 Added Argument Should the government change the voting age to 17?
3 Created Debate The Concept of Rationality is Paradoxical.
1 Added Argument Vanilla is the best flavor of ice cream ever created
1 Added Argument Win an argument against anybody on this site in 10 easy steps!
5 Added Argument I want proof of intelligent life.
5 Created Debate I want proof of intelligent life.
1 Added Argument Today I felt like I understood the plight of transgender people and I thank them.
1 Added Argument Integrity Check
1 Added Argument ISIS Beheads 4-Year-Old Girl Then Forces Mother To Soak Hands In Her Blood
1 Added Argument Do we really know anything?
10 Added Argument Self awareness means understanding there's no free will.
5 Created Debate Self awareness means understanding there's no free will.
1 Added Argument Has Obama been a good president?
2 Added Argument I want proof of Hell
1 Added Argument Should Intelligent Design be taught in schools?
5 Created Debate Do we really know anything?
1 Added Argument How many Commandments does god break? How many does his followers break?
1 Added Argument Is God a Murderer?
1 Added Argument Not a day goes by where some liar says he only supports 1st trimester abortions, but votes
1 Added Argument It is impossible to tell someone - who is easily offended - that they are easily
8 Added Argument How to stop mass shootings
1 Added Argument Insensitive, careless, mindf@%#ed people
5 Added Argument How many Commandments does god break? How many does his followers break?
1 Added Argument If abortion was a number.
3 Created Debate Is it acceptable to swag too hard for yo momma?
1 Added Argument Whats your opinion on magic (no bunny in the hat kind)
2 Added Argument Eye foreign Eye. A tooth foreign tooth.*
1 Added Argument Are you comfortable with your own mortality?
1 Added Argument Eye foreign Eye. A tooth foreign tooth.*
0 Added Argument Health Benefits of Dairy
5 Created Debate Eye foreign Eye. A tooth foreign tooth.*
0 Downvoted Argument Health Benefits of Dairy
1 Added Argument Muslim Bakeries Refuse Gays
1 Added Argument Banning people from debates
1 Added Argument Americas newest hero Omar Mateen
1 Added Argument Banned from debate for making good point
2 Added Argument Killing is always rational.
5 Created Debate Killing is always rational.
2 Added Argument The Deadliest Mass Shooting In The United States Happens Under Obama's Watch
1 Added Argument Why do elections focus so much on character destruction, rather than ideas?
2 Added Argument Proof there IS NO INTELLIGENT CREATOR
2 Added Argument Absurdism
3 Added Argument Ghost are real or not
6 Added Argument I just want to clarify a rumor.
1 Added Argument Why are you on CreateDebate?
5 Added Argument Why do Atheist get caught up in fairytales, much like their theist enemy?
7 Added Argument Why do Atheist get caught up in fairytales, much like their theist enemy?
1 Added Argument Was the Islamic prophet a pedophile?
5 Created Debate Why do Atheist get caught up in fairytales, much like their theist enemy?
1 Added Argument BREXIT
1 Added Argument Why is it wrong to kill?
1 Added Argument Why is alcohol legal?
2 Added Argument Should people who are about to die and then cremated eat lots of popcorn kernels?
3 Added Argument Proof that Hitler was a liberal.
3 Added Argument should we all drive electric cars
1 Added Argument what is the craziest religion
1 Added Argument Why is Yu-Gi-Oh! not big in America?
1 Added Argument Shrek is
1 Added Argument Do you pray to God or Jesus
2 Added Argument Shrek is
2 Added Argument Future of energy?
1 Added Argument Who is hotter?
1 Added Argument Prolifers Could Get Their Wish
1 Added Argument Bill and Hillary Clinton's Net Worth Is 111 Million Dollars
0 Added Argument Nathan Allen

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