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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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ProLogos's Reward Points: 2794

Points When What Where
2 Added Argument Maybe Trump is exactly what America needs no matter how egotistical he sounds.
3 Added Argument "Evidence is merely, that which is convincing."
5 Created Debate "Evidence is merely, that which is convincing."
-1 Downvoted Argument The reason why you're not experiencing God.
10 Added Argument The reason why you're not experiencing God.
1 Added Argument Being good vs Being bad (What is the better option for the oppressed)
1 Added Argument Is it true - someone drove their truck through a crowd in Nice while playing Pokemon Go?
5 Created Debate The reason why you're not experiencing God.
1 Added Argument Black Lives Matter accuse Pokemon Go of inherent racism
2 Created Debate National Security or Personal Gain?
1 Added Argument Is the Gaming Community Toxic?
5 Created Debate Do cops have the right to kill?
1 Added Argument What are your ads on the side of your screen.
1 Added Argument Anyone else getting inappropriate ads on the site...
2 Added Argument instig8or is LibProlifer.
1 Added Argument Am I prolife or prochoice?
2 Added Argument Should cannabis use be legal?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should cannabis use be legal?
5 Created Debate Anyone else getting inappropriate ads on the site...
5 Created Debate instig8or is LibProlifer.
2 Added Argument Should cannabis use be legal?
1 Added Argument Is eating meat bad for you?
1 Added Argument NAACP leader Dallas shooter was defenseless and lynched
-1 Downvoted Argument Are plumber's cracks social acceptable?

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