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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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daver's Reward Points: 1770

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Is this why the media are hated in America?
1 Added Argument Can we take the 'Trump's a racist' narrative seriously?
1 Added Argument Mueller's investigation team is falling apart
2 Added Argument Does Israel Have The Moral Right To Exist?
2 Added Argument Consequentialism: do the ends justify the means?
5 Created Debate Frankin
1 Added Argument Kaepernick says he'll stand for Anthem if he can get his job back
1 Added Argument "The only person that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."
1 Added Argument New liberal pecking order is Muslims over gays
1 Added Argument Nazism was the uniting of the far right and far left into one ideology
1 Added Argument Americans Are So Gullible And Stupid That It Terrifies Me
2 Added Argument While liberals cry and whine about being poor and oppressed by 1%
1 Added Argument Why do Libs want cops to have guns but not the rest of us...
1 Added Argument Should we care about rape in prison?
2 Added Argument the left tells us if you're white & from Boston you're a racist
1 Added Argument What the hell is this?
1 Added Argument NASCAR owners will fire Drivers and Crew if they kneel during National Anthem
1 Added Argument Born Trans-confused that is a fallacy
1 Added Argument Hobby Lobby slammed by a Leftist for "Racist Display of Raw Cotton"
1 Added Argument Race Wars!!!
1 Added Argument Will USA and N Korea go to a war if the latter continued with nuclear & ICBM project?
1 Added Argument Hillary thinks the Media Environment is "Very Difficult" for the Democrats
1 Added Argument Is the left the new Red Scare?
1 Added Argument Self pity will destroy a person. Yes or no?

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