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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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stswebb's Reward Points: 73

Points When What Where
2 Added Argument Atheism is child abuse
1 Added Argument Those who lie Albert Eistein is an unbeliever, Here you go
1 Added Argument Liberals forget, the Confederate flag belongs to the Democrats
2 Added Argument Why are Atheists so Angry?
2 Added Argument I get it, the Democrat Party's goal of socialism, but you folks voting for these people?
1 Added Argument Those who lie Albert Eistein is an unbeliever, Here you go
1 Added Argument Christianity isn't a religion, it's a lack of belief in a magic nothing
4 Added Argument Was Trump was fly in globalist elite's soup?
1 Added Argument Is this what we should expect when transgender people go to the bathroom?
1 Added Argument Having faith is actually smart...
2 Added Argument The next Democrat Presidential candidate will be a Muslim

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