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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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ta9798's Reward Points: 316

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Are we going to attack Iran and why or why not?
1 Added Argument Should the next President let the Iraqi goverment decide when we need to leave by?
1 Added Argument Which candidate would you feel safer with as President?
1 Added Argument Should voters have to take a test before voting to prove they are not ignorant?
1 High Rated Argument Who won the Final 2008 Presidential Debate?
1 Added Argument Why do you vote?
2 Added Argument Whose foreign policy is better?
2 Added Argument Who won the Final 2008 Presidential Debate?
4 High Rated Argument Who is the elitist?
3 Added Argument Should "creationist" be denied the chance to become president?
1 Added Argument Who is the elitist?
1 Added Argument Whose beliefs are more valliant?

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