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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

Yes, I would like to tell him, I'll wait until after
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 Yes, I would like to tell him, (5)
 I'll wait until after (4)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Any last minute words to Obama before the big election

Mr. Obama, I know what you're thinking. "Is this election a slam dunk or does Romney really have a shot at winning it all?" Well..., to tell you the truth..., with all the excitement these last few days..., I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a very important election, for the most powerful position in the world, and your croonies would bite your head clean off if you lost..., you've got to ask yourself one question..., Do I feel lucky...? Well..., do ya..., punk?

Yes, I would like to tell him,

Side Score: 6

I'll wait until after

Side Score: 4
1 point

How does it feel to be the most hated man in America? How are you dealing with losing so much of the support you had originally through your own utter failure?

Side: Yes, I would like to tell him,
Emperor(1340) Disputed
1 point

You're a complete dumbass.

What is failure to you? Are you sad that you are not forced to fight in war? Are you sad that you have internet and food and a house?

Does it depress you that you are one of the luckiest people for living in a nation where you can say that THE PRESIDENT is an utter failure and not be arrested?

I am not always proud of America, but I am still an American always. What you are saying is complete drivel. Obama is not the greatest leader, but do you see the problem? Who else do we choose from?

The clown Romney?

Obama is the only person who has the power to be reelected and NOT start more war. No one else is in that position. There will not be any other chance of anyone else besides Romney winning the election, and Romney is not fit for any position of power.

I support Obama, not because he is a great leader or because he is all that wise, but because he is simply less insane than Romney, and has the power to make this nation great.

Side: I'll wait until after
Troy8(2417) Disputed
1 point

LOL. I knew I'd strike someone's nerve. I'm not a big fan of Romney either, but what makes him so horrible to you? I'm just curious why you think he's not fit for any position of power.

Side: Yes, I would like to tell him,
Apollo(1590) Disputed
1 point the peak of Romney's RNC bump, Obama is ahead in the polls.

How does it feel to know that "the most hated man in America" is still preferred by America over Willard Mittens?


Source 1

Source 2

Side: I'll wait until after
1 point

Congratulations, Mr. President .

Side: Yes, I would like to tell him,

I already feel like I jinxed Romney with this debate. If Obama wins, I'll be eating crow and the liberals will be all over my ass ;)

Side: I'll wait until after
downvote(53) Disputed
1 point

OMG Joe, this is the most racist debate you have ever created. This time you have gone too far.

Are you advocating that Clint Eastwood shoot a brother in the head? That's cold blooded murder.
Side: Yes, I would like to tell him,

Here we go..., let the name calling begin ;)

Side: Yes, I would like to tell him,