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Absolutely. Say what?
Debate Score:49
Total Votes:61
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 Absolutely. (16)
 Say what? (23)

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jolie(9810) pic

Are light skin blacks smarter than dark skin blacks?


Side Score: 19

Say what?

Side Score: 30
-2 points
2 points

Always interesting to see an old-school racist every now and then.

Side: Say what?

They're a dying breed. It'd be sad to see them go, if it wasn't such a relief.

Side: Say what?
2 points

From a biological or anthropological point of view, this is an absurd question. The amount of melanin in one's epidermal layer has noting to do with the cognitive powers or their brain function.

In layman's terms: skin color has nothing to do with intelligence. If it did, then albinos would all be geniuses.

When was the last time ya met an albino genius? LOL. How many are in MENSA?


Side: Say what?
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Your college degree has kicked in has it but answer the question that was asked !

Side: Absolutely.
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Have you ever answered a question here?

Side: Say what?
1 point

If your misguided assertion were true it would belie the stark facts. Try to set your academic drivel to the one side for the moment and consider the following objectively, if you are capable of doing that. White people have made almost every invention/discovery which has contributed to the advancement and welfare of mankind. These include the computer you're using, the internet, the language by which your gobbledygook is expressed, the internal combustion engine, the diesel engine, the automobile, commercial vehicles, ( by which the west delivers the food and supplies to the ''begging bowls'' of the black Africans because they haven't figured out after countless centuries that crops don't grow in the sandy deserts of the world, the jet engine, the aeroplane, the helicopter, space going rockets, space exploration, television, radio, radar, X-ray, visual aids, i.e, binoculars/telescope, spectacles, ocean going liners, the submarine, the petro-chemical industry, i.e, energy fuels and plastics, electricity, the light bulb, laser technology, high yield farming techniques, modern building techniques and materials, penicillin, almost all of the world's full range of life saving and pain relieving drugs, ( for which the dumb black African nations rely on to help stem their illnesses), the ball pen, the fountain pen, modern food processing procedures. The extent of the white man's ingenuity is boundless. Where are the Black man's major, job/wealth creating corporations? where are the black man's international banks and financial institutions? Where are those blacks with the executive abilities to form cohesive governments which can provide all the social requirements, such as medical care, social housing, education, vocational training, defense and so forth? Certainly not in Africa, and certainly not in the black run city council of Detroit. All your pretentious use of ''big words', straight from your handy thesauruses along with quotes from the internet,cannot twist or alter the glaring truth, which is, the plain facts graphically illustrate that blacks are of a sub-order whose brain development ceased to evolve many centuries ago. To summarize, blacks suffer from an arrested intellect, laziness, a congenital aversion to disciplined formal education, a lack of ingenuity and enterprise, with a bubbling enthusiasm for violent crime and insurrection. The worrying part? They infest the west in their whinging millions and blame their ''condition'' on 'the big bad white man''.

Side: Absolutely.
SlapShot(2608) Disputed
2 points

You are obviously badly wanting in any knowledge of biology or cultural anthropology whatsoever. I also 're a deluded idiot and a bigot.

Listen and learn. The only reason most of the significant scientific discoveries and inventions throughout history were provided by those of Caucasian persuasion is because they had the means and opportunity. Much of this was provided to them by not sheer intelligence, but rather, geography. Since they had access to minerals and ores fro irons and steel and other metals so as to forge weapons and machinery. Thus providing them industry and military might with which to supress other poorer nations.

Again, blacks are blacks because of additional spin pigment. Last I checked, the epidermis has nothing to do with the central nervous system or the brain. Also, IQ tests in this country have been culturally biased in favor of middle class whites for decades. Ever since the traditional Stanford-Binet test was used as the primary yardstick back in the 1960s.

To me, as well as many other academics and those in the psychology field, intelligence is most accurately measured not by simply how well you can memorize answers to questions on a test, but rather, the ability to learn new tasks quickly and then perform them with a degree if efficiency.

IN this regard, Caucasians have no significant advantage of any other race. This has been tested many times.

Lastly, hate to break it to you, but the whole idea of race is a myth anyway. As we are all of ONE race and ALL share a common ancestor. Any difference in physiological aspects or brains or culture or skin and hair color has ben the result of the culture's specific history and practices and most important, geographical place of origin and progression.

I sometimes use the term "race" as a convenient and widely recognized descriptor for different ethnicity. IS a fallacious term when using strict biological and anthropological statements. 95% of ALL professional scientists in the areas of Bio and Anthro know this. If you doubt me, do some checking and look it up.

Meanwhile, I offer you to learn something and read this. Let me know if you have any questions on this topic and I will be glad to help.

Side: Say what?
1 point

"Ignore facts, listen to racism"

-That comment.

Side: Say what?
1 point

Go find every black in the world and test them. I'm not going to and I'm pretty sure no one else is going to.

Side: Say what?
Winklepicker(1021) Clarified
1 point

You don't have to test them all. Judge them by their past and present achievements and their ability to compete and succeed in the modern world. The results of this form of assessment will be vividly self explanatory.

Side: Absolutely.
1 point

Only if one is a racist moron.

Side: Absolutely.
ProLogos(2794) Disputed
1 point

Well. The fact that I'm more intelligent than all of the lighter skinned blacks that I know, is proof enough for me.

Side: Say what?
SlapShot(2608) Disputed
1 point

I find it humorous that a brain dead racist who gets his dates vat family reunions like you has the sack to put a peace sign on his avatar. What? All the swastikas were already taken?

Side: Absolutely.
1 point

Some PEOPLE are smarter than others. I'm white, there are whites smarter than me, there are those dumber than me, and a trip to the tanning booth doesn't move them either way.

There are many "blacks" smarter than you OR I Some are VERY black, Some are barely "black".

Do we really need this ridiculous argument? Do we have to keep stirring the racial pot?!?!

Side: Say what?