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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Yes. We have iPhones. No, I wanna sleep in and no HW
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Yes. We have iPhones. (3)
 No, I wanna sleep in and no HW (3)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Are we better off now?

It used to be that people were nomadic. They did not own land. They were also hunter / gatherers.

They pitched a tent were ever and didn't have to pay a mortgage.
They hunted whatever animal came within their cross hairs and didn't have to worry about being fined for hunting an endangered animal.
They got up when they wanted (based on hunger pains).  They went to bed when they wanted (exhaustion).
Life was hard.  But people were free to do whatever the hell they wanted.
You killed someone and there were only 2 consequences. You either got away with it or you got killed.
Then society came along and said, "Fuck you, we are changing all of that."
Your land is now our land to sell.
 You have to follow our laws or we put you in jail. We make the laws.
 and..., well..., you know what society is like.
 And for this priviledge, we'll give you better housing, better food, an iPhone, etc. The cost is your freedom.
 We will also give you security in the form of TSA agents. Your cost..., your freedom.
I'm not sure it's sucha great bargain.
The world doesn't owe you anything. Why should you owe the world anything?
Why can't some land be given to people who want to opt out of society?
Society owes us. They created this, they are now responsible for us. We paid for it with our freedom. It's paid and bought for.

Yes. We have iPhones.

Side Score: 3

No, I wanna sleep in and no HW

Side Score: 3

1)longer life expectancy (it is no longer literally the end of the world for people when they turn 30)

2)More Communication


Side: Yes. We have iPhones.

Living to a ripe old age is not all that it's cracked up to be ;)

Side: Yes. We have iPhones.

I wouldn't be particularly fond of looking like I'm 50 when I'm really 20.

And I'm not a health freak, but living in an age where a slight cut on your finger meant painful infection and a horrible death, or where the common cold had a 100% fatality rate doesn't appeal to me, either.

Side: Yes. We have iPhones.
1 point

I like the idea of freedom, and the ancient ways seem like an ideal. It would be great to take a region/ small country and have the best parts of the past, like a fantasy novel. We could have guilds, horse drawn transport, swords, ancient religions, large libraries with ancient books, shrines, blacksmiths...

Side: No, I wanna sleep in and no HW
1 point

Well, when it comes to the fact that our world is controlled by the corporations, where countries' water supplies have been bought by corporations, where Walmart has more money than many countries do, where the United States has over 16.3 trillion in debt, where the richest 2% of the population in the world own more than half of the global household assets, where countries have gone completely bankrupt, where six members of the Waltons family owned more money than the bottom 30% of American citizens combined, where our world is swamped by advertisements, where American rights are slowly deteriorating, where rapid inflation by the Federal Reserve diminishes what value left our dollar has, where our gas prices continually rise only because corporations want more money, where our politicians continually screw us citizens, and constant wasting of our Earth's natural resources, we're not that better off right now.

Side: No, I wanna sleep in and no HW
1 point

Wow they'll give us and Iphone? Because we really need 5 types of Iphone ¬_¬ but yeah the old world was better we were truly free. Government says we are "free" But really we're not :P We have to do as they say and pay to live now.

Side: No, I wanna sleep in and no HW