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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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True. Wait..., what? No!
Debate Score:25
Total Votes:30
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 True. (5)
 Wait..., what? No! (10)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Biden can't climb a flight of stairs


Side Score: 6

Wait..., what? No!

Side Score: 19
1 point

I think it's great the way Biden can say gottle of geer, gottle of geer while sitting on Kamal's knee answering what he'd like to drink.

Side: True.

He'll die before his term is up and then we'll have Kamala Whackala ;)

Side: True.
Jody(1791) Disputed
1 point

He'll die before his term is up and then we'll have Kamala Whackala ;)

Imagine if Epsteinโ€™s best buddy Trump was still in power his second in charge was the raging nut and young earth creationist Mike Pence .......Come on seriously mate Iโ€™m betting your next President will be Kim Khardashian as a nation you guys have a genius for electing idiots into power .....

I forgot you guys had a hard act to follow as in George Bush โ€œ Rarely is the question asked: is our children learning?โ€ ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž

Side: Wait..., what? No!

Well..., we do like entertainment ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!
DrChamberlin(145) Clarified
1 point

I see that it still irks you, that Trump kicked Epstein to the curb.

Maybe you should pray for some guidance, and see what his passed on soul can teach you this time around.

Side: True.
0 points

If Trump had made a fraction of the faux-pas as Biden has in his short time in office the left-wing press, especially the likes of The New York Times, C.N.N. etc., would have crucified him.

In one of his speeches Biden referred to Trump as, eh, um, George before glancing at his autocue and realizing that George Bush was long gone and Donald Trump was his nemesis.

He gets lost and fumbles in his speeches and his love affair with the left wing media has resulted in them trying to attribute his Alzheimer's disease to a reoccurrence of his boyhood stammer.

The left-wing media are covering over the cracks but the dry-rot of the substrate and core of this progressive spastic is at an advanced stage.

The dummy refuses to acknowledge that there is a BORDER CRISIS while some 10,000 so called refugees, many of whom have covid-19 stream across the border EVERY DAY, with their children, grannies and grandads, all seeking taxpayers dollars to exist.


Side: True.
3 points

If Trump had made a fraction of the faux-pas as Biden has

Yeah, just imagine if he'd been accused in federal court of raping a minor at an Epstein party before he was even elected!!!

Oh wait.

Side: Wait..., what? No!
Mongele(643) Disputed
1 point

Standard nomshit gobbledegook.


Side: True.
DrChamberlin(145) Clarified
1 point

You mean the court case that is going nowhere, simply because the accuser is completely anonymous. The fact that her public backers are notoriously know for nothing more than just throwing constant streams of trash at their opponents, the timeline for Trump being at that party hasn't matched up, and the women who claim to have bore witness in her case are just as faceless as she is.

No, there's nothing wrong with any of this... probably... mostly probably... most definitely...

Side: True.
3 points

But he can beat Trump in a presidential race, thatโ€™s gotta hurt the orange one ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘Œ

Side: Wait..., what? No!
0 points

My greatest hope is that Trump runs again in 24 and creates such a shit storm that he causes the Democrats to win both the House and the White House and also gain a super majority in the Senate.

Republicans still can't grasp that Trump is a wrecking ball for the GOP and I'm very thankful to him for that. The quicker the Republican party falls the better I like it.

Donald Trump is the greatest gift the Democratic Party ever got, but what I really love about that fact is that Republicans are too stupid and/or mentally imbalanced to be able to accept that reality and that puts their collective mental derangement on full display for all the sane world to enjoy.

Side: Wait..., what? No!
1 point

Considering how many democrat voters are currently experiencing buyers remorse, simply because of Biden. You really have no room to talk. Then again, you most likely agree with letting people kill each other in the streets, allowing the torching and looting of private businesses, and the renewed abuse of children at the border.

Side: True.
Rusticus(809) Disputed
2 points

I suggest you read some real polls and avoid using News Max and Alex Jones as your information sources.

Side: Wait..., what? No!
Rusticus(809) Disputed
2 points

I suggest you read some real polls and avoid using News Max and Alex Jones as your information sources.

Side: Wait..., what? No!