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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

Good for them WTF?
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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 Good for them (5)
 WTF? (6)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Check this out. Some people are actually having a REAL debate here on CD!

Good for them

Side Score: 7


Side Score: 6

I think the world as we know would end if we started doing the same thing ;)

Side: Good for them
1 point

Come on Joe you know you can get a debate like that started .

Side: Good for them
2 points

Rationalism vs Empiricism

Controversy over string theory?

The Causes of the Fall of Teutonic Prussia.

Solipism: unfounded conjecture or a logical inevitability?

Conflict theory vs Structural Functionalism

I think we can get any one of these debates started, what do you think?

Side: Good for them
2 points

sure why not anything is possible .

Side: Good for them
1 point

Dear Joe, yes, the School of Science and Technology in Singapore has decided to venture on to the site and use it for one of it's many intended purposes. I am happy because it drives traffic to the site, is global, is a school and is a real debate. Plus it added 30 real users and a huge amount of arguments! Life is good with traffic like that!


Side: Good for them
1 point

WTF? Who are those people??? LMAO!

Side: WTF?

I think those are the people who pay the bills ;)

There's like a whole sub-culture we knew nothing about ;)

Side: WTF?
1 point

Holy crap! Well I hope they don't wander outside their own debate... they may not like what they'd find, hehe.

Side: WTF?
1 point

I think it's part of an online class project of some kind. They all seem to have been created around the same time.

Side: WTF?
1 point

They don't pay the bills yet, but hopefull in time they will. Yes, they are a sub culture that I am trying to foster. And to HellNo2012's point, they may find things that they would not be happy viewing. Oh well!


Side: WTF?

Where are the world records people when you need them?

characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possibl

Side: WTF?