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99% agree hyperbole
Debate Score:24
Total Votes:24
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 99% agree (11)
 hyperbole (10)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Do 99% of Americans agree with the OWS crowd or is that just hyperbole?


Is it a coincidence that when you try pronounce OWS it sounds like whining?

Doesn't their complaint sound similar to the age old complaint children use, "But EVERYBODY else is..."

99% agree

Side Score: 13


Side Score: 11
2 points

I think "the 99%" is referring to how much money people make, not to who agrees with the movement.

Side: Robot K1

So...., if 1% own a lot of money, how does that affect the people who are protesting?

Side: Robot K1
1 point

Well, the protestors feel that wall street (the 1%) is particularly responsible for our current situation.

Side: 99% agree
2 points

They are referring to the fact that 1% of the american population control 40% of the countries wealth, there saying were the 99% who you've been fucking these last few decades taking more and mroe and more from, pretending that this bullshit system treats everyone equal when in reality it does the opposite, so maybe you should correct your debate title. BTW im not surprised you didn't realise that 1% of your population control 40% of the wealth, and the top 10% control 90% of the wealth, i dunno maybe you fall into the 10% category.

Side: You misinterpreted their message

maybe you fall into the 10% category.

Shhhh! I don't want those OWS people camping out over here ;)

Side: Robot K1
1 point

They might try to eat you!

Side: Robot K1
2 points

If 99% actually believed in that crap, I'm sure something more would've come from the whole movement. I bet 50% of the "occupiers" can't even agree with the other 50% - how can mainstream America agree when the people involved in the act themselves can't even agree?

Side: hyperbole
casper3912(1581) Disputed
1 point

The 99% refers to wealth distribution.

The occupy movement is more about instituting a true representative government than it is about a large cohesive nation wide or world wide agenda. Tonight I sat down next to a libertarian and a market socialist and talked in a reasonable manner with them and it was beautiful. I believe we all learned alot. The biggest thing OWS seems to do is bring people together.

Side: Robot K1
1 point

What is a market socialist?

Why are you out with these other people? Arnt we enough?

Side: hyperbole

Sounds like whining to me ;-)

Side: hyperbole
1 point

Well... the Wall Street execs don't seem to mind...

Champagne anyone?
Side: hyperbole

OMG! I was drinking a beer when I saw this and I almost felt like I was there with them. I even toasted the monitor ;)

Side: hyperbole

I would probably find the situation amusing too, especially if I were a little tipsy.

Note to garrry7777: I know you follow me around waiting for any opportunity to call me a fucking idiot so before you say anything smart ass.......... EAT ME! =)

Side: hyperbole
1 point

Garry does love to do that. The thing I hate most is that in every argument he has to make some personal attack on either your intelligence or affiliations.

If he claims to be as smart or educated as he claims to be, he should realize that this only makes your argument less valid.

Side: hyperbole

"Garry does love to do that."

Really, this is news to me, how many times have i even responded to you, couldn't be mroe than 4-5.

" The thing I hate most is that in every argument he has to make some personal attack on either your intelligence or affiliations."

No you do that all on your own.

"If he claims to be as smart or educated as he claims to be"

I don't ever remember saying anything to you about being smart or educated, please show me exactly the quote where i said anything to you about my education or level of intelligence, you've been reading my other posts, now whose the stalker?

Seriously, when did i ever bring IQ or education into an argument with you, or even Sierrastruth,or anyone for that matter, i don't think i did, cause i wouldn't use my education as some pathetic tool to win an argument, arguments are won and lost on the merits and demerits of someones posts, not on what level of education they claim to have so ive never engaged in a tactic like that, i was asked recently in an argument what level of education i had and what i was studying in college, and i duly responded but that wasn't adressed to you or Sierrastruth.

I know plenty of people who are practically illiterate but have insight and knowledge i can never hope to possess, thats why i don't bring it into arguments, i even insinuated that some was stupid it wasn't because i beleive their unintelligent its because i find their views stupid.

If you're going to accuse someone of something at least make sure there is some truth to it, for instance you could easily have said i treated you like fool in our debates, thats true, and makes me look bad, but you didn't, you decided to accuse me of something im not even guilty of. That my friend makes you look bad.

Side: hyperbole

I know right?! It is so frustrating and frankly futile arguing (because he doesn't debate) with him because he's completely oblivious to his own hypocrisy. I'm sorry Troy8 but because I'm not talking to garrry directly right now I'm going to use this spot to give examples of his comments that contradict his following rant.

"Your problem is that no matter what evidence is put on front of your face you wil cling to your small minded beliefs, can you not see that? Do you not understand how bad that is? I mean i can understand, beliefs are hard things to give up once you have internalised them, i know that but the evidence agsainst you is overwhelming"

"are you so small minded that you won't admit the truth when its staring you in the face?"

"I wouldn't suggest anything to you, there's simply no piont."

"I don't consider myself superrior to you, but i do consider your views to be based on misinformation, propaganda, and brainwashing"

"Ya of course, i have one simple question for, have you ever in your entire adult life formed an opinion yourself without being told what to think?"

"are you simply so indoctrinated, that you are incapable of assimilating anything that runs remotely contrary to you pre-existing beliefs, or more accurately neurosis"

"I couldn't take you seriously from day one because your views are just so unbeleivably wrong its hilarious, i am sorry but beleive me if you knew how wrong you are, adn you were me you'd be laughing to."

"The fact that you beleive any of this only highlights your own gullibility but why am not surprised. All of those quotes are from washington elites beating the drums of war, what in the name of fuck do you think you are proving by pasting them here, aside from your own guillibilty of course."

These are some of garrrys responses to my arguments very persuasive arn't they?

Side: hyperbole

First of all i know this may come as a shock but i have better things to be doing than following you around on this site, the only reason i even did that once is cause you called me an idiot and a psycho, and said you weren't going to reply to me, so naturally i went around to every comment of yours i could and psoted my reply there. Now you can think whatever you want of me, label whatever you wish, it really doesn't matter me i won't be wasting anymore time on a person who won't even admit that killing 1.2 million people in Iraq was illegal.

Side: hyperbole