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Americans do. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:16
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 Americans do. (11)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (3)

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jolie(9809) pic

Americans do.

Side Score: 13

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 3
2 points

We condone the rebels we covertly fund throughout the third world.

Side: Americans do.
2 points my first two examples were for domestic terrorism.

On a global level, I believe our government--specifically the Reagan Administration--condoned heinous acts which can only be construed as Terrorism, when it supported and even aided the Contras in Central America back in the 1980s.

Face it, amigos, we were on the wrong fucking side in that little dance.


Side: Americans do.
1 point

Aren't super heroes vigilantes ?

Side: Americans do.
1 point

One man's terrorist is another man's patriot. To some, drone strikes are terrorism, to others, they protect the country and the people from other ..... terrorists. If I may use another old adage, you fight fire with fire.

Side: Americans do.
1 point

Your assertion may possibly be a debatable option for some repressive totalitarian regimes, but in countries which have a democratic political system terrorism has absolutely no place whatsoever. In democratic societies the ''armalite'', figuratively speaking, has long since been replaced by the ballot box. The western powers only use military force, including drones, to fight against ruthless insurgents such as I.S, and never, willfully against civilians. Almost without exception, the present conflicts in the world occur in dictatorships.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

How about the Contras?

Just saying ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I agree, W, That's what it's "supposed to be". There are nutcases that deviate FROM what it's supposed to be, and there probably always will be. That statement, "One man's terrorist is another man's patriot." is an old adage that is, regretfully true. These "martyrs" that kill good people ARE, in another another man's mind, patriots, that's why they become martyrs in THEIR minds. SICK, to be sure!

Side: Americans do.

Yes, in their 10's of 1000's. Americans donated many millions of dollars to the I.R.A, through ''Noraid''. The I.R.A, were nothing more than a group of psychopathic murderers who butchered innocent men, women and children in their crazed attempt to achieve their political objectives. The millions of dollars American's donated to this vicious bunch of criminals was used to buy arms and Semtex explosives from such low lives as Colonial Qaddafi and was used to kill civilians and members of the legitimate security forces. American dollars also helped towards the destruction of Northern Ireland's industrial and commercial base which has still not recovered. Hope that answered your question.

Side: Americans do.
1 point

Many Americans have throughout history condone certain acts of terrorism.

The first instance of this that comes to mind is the KKK lynchings from the late 1800s all the way until the 1960s or so, when the Civil Rights Movement began.

Oh yeah, it was a Democrat who began that. LBJ, with his "Great Society" platform.



Side: Americans do.
1 point

I just thought of another instance where many Americans have condoned Terrorism!

Those brain-dead Anti-Choicers (I refuse to use the term Pro Life) like FromWithin, when the condoned the zealot murderous Anti Choicers who bombed abortion clinics in the USA. Sometimes killing innocent Americans.

Hope this helps!


Side: Americans do.
1 point

Of course, America condones their own version of terrorism. Just because they don't go around strapping bombs on themselves and saying some chant while they blow themselves up, doesn't mean America doesn't have it's own brand of terrorism. They do it in a much more subtle and covert way. Mainly via cultural imperialism, and acculturation.

Side: Americans do.
1 point

And drones. Don't forget the drones. They are watching. Always watching.

Side: Americans do.

isn't that kinda the point of shock and awe? Strike early and strike often?

Side: Americans do.
1 point

No. Americans are perfect. American society is perfect. America is the bright shining model and example for the world. It's impossible for America to do wrong. America does what it does best.....point the speck of dust in someone else's eye while they have a plank in their own.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!