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Yup. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Yup. (2)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (4)

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jolie(9810) pic

Does Fallon Fox have an unfair advantage fighting other women?


FYI:  If you say, "Yes," you will be labeled as  transphobic.


Side Score: 2

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 4
1 point

She went through puberty having the body of a man. I understand that she's a woman. Mentally and emotionally she feels like she's a woman and I get that. Having said that, she will develop muscle tone similar to a man. This is unfair to all the other woman in the sport. We have male and female sports for the reason that women's muscle tone doesn't get to the point of a man's. Are female body builders bigger and stronger than me? Sure, but they are not bigger/stronger than male body builders. Basically, her strength potential is higher than other female competitors because her body is essentially built like man's, that's unfortunate for her and her situation.

Side: Yup.
Jace(5222) Disputed
1 point

Actually, transgender women who transition undergo hormone replacement therapy which would mitigate the probable strength imbalance between a cisgender man and cisgender woman. Besides, even if Fox did have a greater strength potential hulking up to maximum potential is not common practice for MMA fighters. It would also affect her weight class, a system devolved explicitly to prevent mismatched and unfair fights on the basis of weight and strength (and which would presumably be just as effective is the sport were mixed rather than segregated).

Sports are also sex segregated predominantly due to historical sexism which treated sports as the exclusive domain of men. When women began to push into competitive sports they were only permitted to do so in their own category, which has been chronically under-supported by the sports industry.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
MrFelpe(35) Disputed
1 point

I'm not a biologist in any way, but how much would the hormones affect her? Technically her body already grew. I can see hormones affect things like her voice and body hair, but her muscle mass? I doubt that will be affected. Even if she is getting estrogen, the workouts she does, which I'm sure are as vigouros as any fighter, would make the changes on her muscle mass basically inexistent.Besides that, a male 135 lb body is usually stronger than a female of the same weight, taking into consideration that they have the same fitness level. Why? The way it's built. Look at the muscle tone of Rousey (shown in the vid) and compare it to that of a male fighter of her same weight and height.

Secondly, I agree on the historical backgrounds of sports that you mentioned. I have no idea why you brought that up, but I'd have to say that now, there is very little sexism. Maybe by fans? Not by the industry, however. Mostly because women's sports are beginning to gain momentum, are they paid as much? No, but that's because they don't provide the monetary value that men's sports do, unfortunately.

The only sport I watch is football(soccer). And the sports are segregated because the women wouldn't be able to compete with the strength, height, and speed of their male counterparts. Not being sexist or bigotted, but the USWNT have played against men's teams before. The women played the under-17 men's team and lost 8-2. That would never happen to the men's team. I say we support women's sports, I'm not against them in any way. And when it's fair, same sex (when you consider strength, height, speed) they are actually very competitive and fun to watch.

Side: Yup.
1 point

She has to work out to be strong just like everyone else.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!