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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

Funny. Abuse.
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:7
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 Funny. (3)
 Abuse. (3)

Debate Creator

jolie(9810) pic

Funny or abuse - you decide


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 3
1 point

Like he said "its a work out" and there was a bit of laughter in amongst it all. He presents and sounds like an "out there" type of guy so I would hope he would have said "enough" if it was getting too hard. 10/10 for getting out of the wheelchair and doing something challenging.

Side: Funny.
1 point

Funnily abusive.

Side: Funny.
0 points

I would have picked abuse if they had bounced him a hell of a lot higher so that he's flaying in the air. Wait... actually... that may have been funnier.

Side: Funny.
1 point

Funny or Abuse

That's a strange choice of alternatives Joe.

Funny or Inspiring

Funny or Courageous

Funny or Freedom

I see nothing of negative and Everything of positiveness.

Side: Abuse.
1 point

Well, yeah.... but where's the hook that will get people riled up?

Side: Abuse.
1 point

Abusively funny.

Side: Abuse.