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Debate Info

Thanks, my brother! Brother ain't never helped me.
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Thanks, my brother! (2)
 Brother ain't never helped me. (3)

Debate Creator

jolie(9809) pic

Has a brother ever lend you a hand?

Thanks, my brother!

Side Score: 2

Brother ain't never helped me.

Side Score: 4
1 point

That brother is like the Real OG.

Side: Thanks, my brother!
1 point

Our people always be helping our enemies. But when we need their help, they aren't there.

Side: Thanks, my brother!
2 points

I somehow feel that that was a piece staged drama combined with some rather poor acting.

Side: Brother ain't never helped me.
1 point

I agree with Kalamazoo

I am amazed at the plethora of videos that portray interesting and amazing drama

There surely cannot be people on every street corner waiting for opportunities to film special events.

Some of them just have to be staged and therein lies the rub on which to believe so how do we know if Facebook and Youtube have validity......????

Side: Brother ain't never helped me.
1 point

OK next time I'm handcuffed in the back of a police cruiser, I'm going to attempt this ploy with the first Gangsta that shambles by, Original or not.

Side: Brother ain't never helped me.