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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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I'm God's gift to debate sites I suck at it
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 I'm God's gift to debate sites (4)
 I suck at it (7)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

How do you rate yourself as a debater?

 Incompetent people are so annoying, and also inject a healthy dose of humility into our own sense of self-regard.

What has become known as the Dunning-Kruger effect is an example of what psychologists call metacognition – thinking about thinking.


I'm God's gift to debate sites

Side Score: 5

I suck at it

Side Score: 7

The more inept you are the smarter you think you are. Psychologists have shown humans are poor judges of their own abilities, from sense of humour to grammar. Those worst at it are the worst judges of all. ;)

Side: I'm God's gift to debate sites
1 point

Hmmm, you seem to think you know a lot about climate change. What could that mean? ;)

Side: I'm God's gift to debate sites

Actually quite the opposite. People claim that humans are the reason for climate change. I merely explain that there are other plausible solutions that need further scrutiny. ;)

Side: I'm God's gift to debate sites
1 point

I'm a master debater, had plenty of preadolescent practice.

Side: I'm God's gift to debate sites

It's not because I think I suck - maybe I do, but of course I don't think so myself. But I definitely don't think I am a God's gift either.

Side: I suck at it
1 point

Honestly, I'm not great. Though I'd like to think I've improved since I arrived.

Side: I suck at it

Quite positive I am not that good. I plan to learn more about the fundamentals though.

Side: I suck at it
1 point

I suck... I don't have the patience and I sure as hell don't have the attention span for it.

Side: I suck at it

Though, I am one of the most amazing debaters here, I have to select this side, because I don't believe in God.

Side: I suck at it

I'm not that good. I guess I am on jere in the hope I will improve and will become a good debater.

Side: I suck at it
1 point

Mostly because I don't try to debate/argue with you...I give you my opinion and if you don't like it, suck it. Seriously though haven't riled many feathers yet...maybe i should start bible thumpin...

Side: I suck at it