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How the hell does paper beat rock in a game of rock, paper, scissors

It's totally understandable that scissors can beat paper, and that rock can beat scissors.........however how the f*** can paper beat rock - it cant! is the paper meant to somehow magically 'wrap around' the rock hence rendering it immobile? if paper can do this to rock why can't it do it to scissors?! in fact, ignore the scissors, why can't paper do this to people? why aren't there sheets of paper wrapping themselves around defenseless students whilst they attempt to scribble down notes in class? do you know why...... because paper can't beat ANYONE! a rock could destroy paper in about 2 seconds.

When playing rock/paper/scissors I always choose rock. why? because when some idiot claims to have beaten me with their paper, I punch them in the face with my already rock shaped fist and say, ' oh I'm sorry...... I thought your paper would protect you!

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2 points

My theory is that paper is a sort of preemptive strike in that by covering the rock, the rock then appears to just be a wadded up ball of paper. The implied subject would then percieve the rock as such, rendering him/her/it defenseless. Though this actually avoids battle, the lack thereof is victory in my book.

Side: Preemptive strike

Maybe someone out there has an explanation ;)

Side: Preemptive strike

Please Sir, Master of Discriminatory Humor, please don't turn me into a frog or anything else unnatural, but I must ask of you this one question:

When are you going to grow up? What's a forty-eight-year-old man who's theorizing about a child's game?

Side: Preemptive strike

Sigh! For me to grow up means allowing this site to become what it was meant to become. It means having "real" debates like those posted before I came. I have in the past asked if I should retire. But people have asked to stay on. I doubt I will ever grow up because I don't want to. I have too much fun doing what I do. But I will retire upon request. It's a take me or leave me proposition ;)

Side: Preemptive strike

Agreed. What is the difference? It is a child's game that preoccupies their brains.

Side: Preemptive strike
1 point

Yes, supposedly Paper "magically" wraps itself around the rock. What happens beyond this point is unmentioned.

As far as I see it, immobility would be the only explanation, as Paper has no clear value to it rather than the fact that it is capable of more movement that the scissors or rock.

Perhaps the paper is meant to move vertically towards the opposing object; it would be moving straight into open scissors, and it would be able to sort of "mold" itself around the rock.

That's my viewpoint; that immobility is the only explanation.

Side: Immobility

Maybe paper can beat scissors if it sneaks up on it ;)

Side: Immobility
1 point

Hmmm, perhaps. But then again, couldn't rock do that to paper? 0_0

Side: Immobility
1 point

True. It should be rock, scissors, dynamite with cuttable wick... Demitri Martin said that not me.

Side: dynamite with cuttable wick

Apparently, by covering the rock, it is superior to the rock.

Side: dynamite with cuttable wick
1 point

It's simple, it is something people call 'out of sight, out of mind'. When the paper covers the rock the player controlling the rock simply forgets it's there whenever they can't see it.

Another idea is that the paper is stronger than kevlar^1. Therefore it is much harder than the rock.


Side: Forgetfulness
1 point

well think about it like this. is the rock going to magically body slam the scissors? are the scissors magically going to open wide and cut the paper? Now i ask: Is the paper magically going to wrap itself around the rock? If they didnt perform actions then NOONE woudl win ;)

Side: Forgetfulness
1 point

Paper against rock beats rock because it covers more of the rock than the rock covers the paper. Mind you, I mean papers the size of your hand. A hand balled into a fist will always be smaller than that hand when the palm is spread out.

Side: Forgetfulness

Is the paper meant to somehow magically 'wrap around' the rock hence rendering it immobile? if paper can do this to rock why can't it do it to scissors?!

Side: Forgetfulness

When playing rock/paper/scissors I always choose rock. why? because when some idiot claims to have beaten me with their paper, I punch them in the face with my already rock shaped fist and say, ' oh I'm sorry...... I thought your paper would protect you!

Side: Forgetfulness
1 point

Don't know why this ancient debate appeared on home page, but here's my answer.

Side: Forgetfulness

I take it hugs don't work on scissors? ;)

Side: Forgetfulness
1 point

Paper would get itself cut...

Side: Forgetfulness