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 IF God DID exist - what would you ask? (23)

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jolie(9809) pic

IF God DID exist - what would you ask?

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2 points

Why is it that some people have their G-Spot up their ass? ;)

4 points

"I like being a pain in the ass." - God

2 points

Is the modern Bible an accurate representation of how you think the world should be governed?

2 points

Did Tom Brady really deflate those footballs? And don't make me wait 40 years for a handful of his players to write their own gospels about it. Heck, odds are some Jets player will just pen a fake one decades from now and put Julian Edelman's name on it.

1 point

Why have you let this happen? All the terrible things we have done. You have not protected anyone. No child, no man, no woman, no being that I know of, has ever been spared.

1 point

What's the point of hiding your existence from people? (Please no "God works in mysterious ways" BS).

1 point

As Christians we need to follow the example set by Jesus, and shut the door on any traps or attempts to ensnare us by the enemy. He only wants our destruction. Fortunately, the Lord wants to protect us and bless us, so he has given us the tools we need to combat the devil’s schemes. Living a life of obedience and godly character will truly help us in waging war against the enemy. Speaking and praying Scriptures in order to rebuke Satan is also an example that Jesus gave, and I believe that it is a powerful way to ward off the devil as well. Lastly, keeping our minds pure and associating with others that are likeminded will also help us live lives that are honoring to God.

2 points

That's not a question. Jesus never read any bible verses to anyone.

westlife1234(9) Clarified
1 point

And that is the Holy Spirit Blessed Be the Name of the Lord because God is Good all the time and all the time God is Good

1 point


God DOES exist. Now think about that :)


Why is alex a silly nigger ?

SlapShot(2608) Disputed
1 point

You would do better to ask him if fags and lesbos are really gonna burn. It's a more pertinent question for you, I think.

Hope this helps.


LadyLinkstar(415) Clarified
1 point

Nah. I wanna know why Alex is a silly nigger before that. I am concerned for Alex. Is he really a silly nigger ? or is media showing us his bad side.

1 point

God exist in this world Gods not Dead He is surely alive just watch that movie the word of God said that on the third day He rose again thats why he surely alive our God is not dead read the Bible because that is the Truth and feel the Holy Spirit because our God is the Alpha and Omega The Beginning and the end The Author and finisher.

1 point

He already does, and there really is nothing I would ask.

1 point

I would ask GOD "tell everyone that you don't have existence and there is no after death life at all"

1 point

That's not a question ;)

Coke or Pepsi? .

1 point

What would I ask?

Hmm....first of all, I would bitch slap him (or her) and ask....

"Where the fuck you been, you pansy ass coward? You have continually let millions of your so-called "children" suffer and die. Especially the ones who were stupid enough to worship you and pray top you. Satan has jobbed you on a daily basis. You suck. Nothing more than an absentee landlord.

Now go ahead and send me to hell, or strike me down with brimstone or whatever. That is, if you have the sack!

What do ya think? Too much?



1 point

Would you do the same to the person responsible for the creation of a first person shooter game? What if the reason He doesn't interfere is because this is all a simulation and it just doesn't matter? ;)

-1 points

IF God DID exist - what would you ask? Do you think Democrats will ever ask that question of Muslims !

ironskillet(220) Disputed
1 point

What? I don't understand the point you're making here. Are you implying muslims don't exist?

westlife1234(9) Clarified
1 point

Just Believe on the TRUTH don't believe on your own knowledge because God is not Dead He is surely alive

westlife1234(9) Clarified
1 point

Just Believe on the TRUTH don't believe on your own knowledge because God is not Dead He is surely alive