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OK, I'm a racist bastard What? No!
Debate Score:38
Total Votes:48
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 OK, I'm a racist bastard (11)
 What? No! (16)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

If you are against any of Obama's policies, you're a racist bastard!

A lot of people out there are agaisnt Obama Care and they are being called racist, bigots, nazis, etc. by the opposition.  I mean, the opposition gets really emotional about this stuff and start throwing out analogies liek crazy in an attempt to change people's minds.

OK, I'm a racist bastard

Side Score: 14

What? No!

Side Score: 24
1 point

go suck his dick you penis puffer!!!!!!!!!!!! your so idiotic that your mom cant even look at your dir tidir face. LOSER + U LIV IN MY SHADOW= your dumbass

Side: OK, I'm a racist bastard

I'm against any socialist policy, whether it's one of Obama's or not. If I'm to be called racist for my views, then so be it. I don't care ;)

Side: OK, I'm a racist bastard
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

No one is calling you racist for disagreeing. Conservative talking heads simply set up this strawman to get dumb people to backlash without coming up with a legitimate opposing arguement, and to create the division that served them so well during the last 8 years.

If you are against all socialist type programs, fine, that's a legitimate arguement.

If you're bringing effigies of Obama in a noose to a town hall meeting where these things are supposed to be discussed in a democratic manner then simply shouting as loud as possible that you want "your america back" or some other such non-sense, well then, you're probably racist.

btw, the following are all socialist programs,



fire departments


emergency relief


social security

... yeah, those things suck...

Side: What? No!

I would really like to abolish public school. At the very least, if we are to have it, I want it to be at the lowest government agency possible. For example at the city level instead of the state level. There's too much money wasted on the bureaucrats who manage the large number of schools. You want more money to go to "the children," reduce the number of bureaucrats. You want to reduce the number of bureaucrats, reduce the size of the things they have to manage. You want to reduce the number of schools being managed, let the city do it.

Side: What? No!
BeSensible(5) Disputed
1 point

I believe the main reason people are so upset at these town hall meetings is because there have been no details provided as to what exactly this legislation will do. I believe people are upset because they believe that they have probably read more of the actual text of the bill, then their representatives in congress have.

People will naturally resist when they are being forced to accept an idea or position that has not been clearly explained or planned out.

That is my take on why people are so loudly voicing opposition at the town hall meetings.

Please let me know if anyone has any information contradictory to what I have said. I'm still searching for the bottom of all this mess.

Side: OK, I'm a racist bastard
asdf789(350) Disputed
1 point

You can't prove that all the people that attend meetings are conservatives, so why are you setting up a straw man? Old people reading the bill currently out there realize that the bill is going to cut half of their medicare, so they are angry about it and want to make it known. I'm not going to deny that there are a decent amount of conservatives out there, but to say that everyone protesting is conservative is impossible to prove. There are still people out there that are racist and will always be there, republican, democrat, or independent, and you can't do anything about that. Also, I want to know your arguments for how our military 'sucks'. What proof do you have to back this claim up?

Side: OK, I'm a racist bastard
0 points

I couldn't resist viewing this debate. Could not agree more.

Obama is nothing more than a professional politician who has not and will never be exposed to the same standard of living of the average US citizen.

There is too much money involved in campaigns for the average citizen to ever be truly represented.

Side: OK, I'm a racist bastard
1 point

You do know that Obama grew up poor right?

You also understand that most of his policies are aimed at helping the lower and middle class?

Obviously in recent years he has lived a very comfortable life, but that has to do with the fact that he worked his way there from the bottom.

To argue someone doesn't know what they're talking about simply because of their current financial situation is silly, and misses the point.

Side: What? No!
BeSensible(5) Disputed
1 point

You believe he won the election based only upon his hard work where no outside factors were involved?

Can you really deny that elections are not bought and paid for these days.

You are right that he worked his way up from being poor, but at some point in that time line he became the political face for something much larger than his self.

My point is that money put him in the presidency. He is now a professional politician. He is not the same person that grew up poor.

Side: OK, I'm a racist bastard
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

I actually agree with this assessment most of the time.

And I believe that, while special interests at one time were absolutely necessary, their influence needs to be curbed in DC.

However, let's give some credit where credit is due.

1. Whether you agree with his policies or not, it is a pretty incredible story. Raised by his grandma, without a dad, on an island in the middle of the Pacific, to the President of the U.S. A bi-racial President, where only a few decades ago interacial marriage was illegal, where his African ancestors would have been slaves only 4 or 5 generations ago.

Okay, that has little to do with your theory he's been bought, but it does bring to light to just how evil the recent (and in some cases not so recent) de-humanization of our President has been.

2. On to your point:

88% of all contributions to his campaign were from individuals, link. Find one recent President who can make this boast.

It seems to me, whether one agrees or disagrees with his policies, that it would be hard to argue that if he has been bought then it was not by the people he represents,

and whether it's the right path or wrong, it's hard to argue his intents are at least not good.

He won this election by a whole whole lot. He didn't steal it, he's not a Nigerian plant, he's not a secret socialist, he's not trying to kill anyone's grandma.

So, instead of vague inuendos about some socialist plot, about a mancherian candidate, how about talking about the fact that we are ranked toward the very bottom of every industrialized nation in every aspect of healthcare, yet we as a whole pay more than twice as much as any other nation for health care.

Side: What? No!
1 point

Clearly everyone here thinks that this statement is false, as evidenced by the sarcastic confession of racism and the adamant denial of the statement. Clearly this is no argument at all.

Side: This statement is ridiculous by consesus
1 point

Hmmm, when Bush had policies out there, people called him every name you could think of. Now that Obama has policies and people are calling him names, you all of the sudden take offense? Give me a break. Allowing Bush bashing but not Obama bashing, right....

Side: What? No!
1 point

That isn't how it works...all our past presidents were white, and were rebellious blacks considered racist? No. I love Obama as much as the next legitimate liberal, but I respect anyone with a solid argument not to support his policies.

Side: What? No!
1 point

jsmtheorator(3) Of all of Obama's policies, which one if any are you against and what would you consider a solid argument against it.

Side: OK, I'm a racist bastard