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Hallelujah! Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:26
Total Votes:26
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 Hallelujah! (15)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (10)

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jolie(9809) pic

If you do not believe in Jesus - you need to go to Jesus Camp!!!


Side Score: 15

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 11
1 point

They have ways of turning you into a God fearing Christian ;)

Side: Hallelujah!
KNHav(1957) Disputed
1 point

We can't turn anyone into believing Christians.

It's a work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

No amount of drilling can create a Christian. A Christian is a new creation through being born again. With an open mind and heart willing for God to have His will reign over our own will is the open door for the Spirit to reveal Himself.

No one makes themselves a new creation, if that were the case the death and Resurrection would not have been necessary.

My kids have gone to retreats and its been enriching, it's a time of renewal for them and their faith also. By 5 or 6 they developed their own faith, and if they choose to nurture that faith then these retreats are just like an adult going for a renewal away from the noise of school and work.

So are business sales meetings where people get hyped and psyched and even emotional brainwashing?

What's silly is because there is emotion about faith it is upsetting and brainwashing.

But what about all the causes meant to give kids an emotional response at school for issues like LGBT. If a kid doesn't cooperate with an appropriate desired response they are lashed out on. So then which really is brainwashing? One situation that allows the child freedom of their own response, or one that is required response?

These kids are responding within themselves to the words of prayer and worship to God. So wouldn't it be brainwashing to fill them with atheism as well?


Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

We can't turn anyone into believing Christians.

It's a work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Then why have Jesus Camps at all? ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
SlapShot(2608) Disputed
1 point

Religious delusions

How common are religious delusions found among persons with psychotic disorders? Prevalence rates depend on the particular psychotic disorder and the location in the world where the person lives. In less religious areas of the world, for example, one study showed that only 7% of 324 Japanese inpatients had delusions of persecution and religious guilt (Tateyama et al., 1998). This rate is similar to those from a nation-wide study of hospitalized patients with schizophrenia in Japan involving 429 patients, where the prevalence of religious delusions was 11% (Kitamur et al., 1998).

In the United States, a number of studies have examined religious delusions in patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. The first of these reported results of a small study of 41 psychotic patients in New York City, finding that 39% of those with schizophrenia and 22% of those with mania had religious delusions (Cothran & Harvey, 1986). In a much larger study of 1,136 psychiatric inpatients in the mid-western and eastern United States, 25% of patients with schizophrenia and 15% of those with bipolar disorder had religious delusions (Appelbaum et al., 1999). Compared to other delusions, religious delusions appeared to be held with greater conviction than other delusions. Finally, Getz and colleagues (2001) compared the frequency of religious delusions across religious denomination in 133 inpatients (74% schizophrenia) at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center. Religious delusions were documented in 24% of 33 non-religious patients, 43% of 71 Protestant patients, and 21% of 29 Catholic patients.

In Europe and Great Britain, one study of 251 inpatients with schizophrenia in Austria and Germany reported a prevalence rate of 21% for religious delusions (Tateyama et al., 1998). One of the most detailed studies to date from Great Britain found that 24% of 193 patients with schizophrenia had religious delusions (Siddle et al., 2002a). Patients with religious delusions had more severe hallucinations and bizarre delusions, had poorer functioning, a longer duration of illness, and were taking more anti-psychotic medication than other patients. Thus, in studies of patients with schizophrenia, religious delusions are present in 7-11% of Japanese patients, 21-24% of Western European patients, and 21-43% of patients in the United States.

A few studies have also examined religious delusions among psychiatric patients in Brazil. Nucci and Dalgalarrondo report a series of eye enucleation in six cases of psychiatric patients, five unilateral and one bilateral enucleation (Mucci & Dalgalarrondo, 2000). Religious delusions were a significant factor in many of these cases, with patients following Matthew 5:29 – "If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell." These patients often had an acute exacerbation of schizophrenia, and the self-inflicted enucleation occurred many years after the beginning of illness. Six cases were seen within a 10-year period at a Brazilian university hospital.

In the only systematic study of psychiatric patients conducted thus far in Brazil, researchers examined 200 consecutive admissions to a general psychiatric hospital (Dantas et al., 1999). To identify religious content, an item was added to the BPRS-extended form. Patients with all psychiatric diagnoses were included, not just those with psychotic disorders. Investigators report that 15.7% of all patients had moderate to intense symptoms of religious content. A strong correlation was found between manic symptoms and religious experiences.

What is the origin of religious delusions? Religious delusions exist on a continuum between the normal beliefs of healthy individuals and the fantastic beliefs of the psychotic patients. In psychotic patients, religious delusions are usually accompanied by other symptoms and/or behaviors of mental illness, and do not appear to serve any positive function (Siddle et al., 2002a). Persons with psychotic symptoms are known to have increased activation of the right brain hemisphere, which is also found in healthy persons having mystical experiences or paranormal beliefs (Lohr & Caligiuri, 1997; Pizzagalli et al., 2000; Makarec & Persinger, 1985). However, attempts to locate the origin of religious delusions in the brain have not revealed findings that are consistent with neuroimaging research described above. The only study to date, to my knowledge, suggested that religious delusions result from a combination of over-activity of the left temporal lobe and under-activity of the left occipital lobe (Puri et al., 2001). Thus, until more research is done, the neuroanatomical origin of religious delusions remains uncertain.

(re-printed from an article on religious delusions from the American Journal of Psychiatry)......

Side: Hallelujah!
1 point

The best way to get Jesus into your heart is through your butt, intestine, and stomach.

I tried to add a Faith +1 video link but none of my links seemed to want to load.

Side: Hallelujah!
1 point

If they are you tube links, you need to open a new tab, paste the link in the URL address bar and it will be replaced with another link. Copy that link and use it here.

Side: Hallelujah!
1 point

It sounds to me like you could use a few months in Jesus Camp ;)

Side: Hallelujah!
1 point

These sound bites are like taking a piece of Icing without cake.

There is a reason for it, and its steering. If you listen to the soundbites you may hear a call to children to be honorable. To not be one person at church and another at school.

Is that what is lacking in children today? The ability to have an emotional response to their own faith and to their own character. What if the whole fifth grade was sensitive to their own character. What if they actually were taught honor, and that they were not the cream of the crop, and not delicate flowers with no backbone for taking a stand.

Has that created a pleasant society? Children by nature are selfish, in any house they can grow into kids that bully. The faith of Jesus teaches them to stand up for their beliefs, and to be sensitive to the voice of God. While the world of violence teaches to be militant about their self elevated causes, in whatever way they are steered.

I'll take 100 of these sweet sensitive kids to the zoo for a day over kids without this sensitivity any day!!

Side: Hallelujah!
1 point

I believe that an armed society is a polite society ;)

Side: Hallelujah!
1 point

If there is a God, and just because you say there isn't, doesn't equate to fact. It's a belief just like faith in God is.

Two different beliefs which neither have confirmed by spending time past deaths door.

So if there is a God, what would it look like to be in moments of His presence? If you were to pray and His Spirit were to be present in a knowable way, what would that look like to someone not in His presence or never was in His presence?

Would it look like an everyday experience, or would it appear as something not easy to relate to?

Side: Hallelujah!
1 point

North Koreans cry when they are in the presence of their supreme leader ;)

Side: Hallelujah!
2 points


This video only confirms what I have suspected for a long time now.

That the majority of religious zealots are in fact, suffering from borderline--if not full-on--psychotic delusions.

They need medication.

NOT more wallowing in superstitious delusion.

May they some day get the help they need.

I bet if you looked at their past childhood histories, you would find that the majority of them have suffered from some sort of psychological and/or emotional trauma. Like abusive parents; daddies who paid them those late-night bedroom visits...whatever.

So sad.


Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

You going to say Muslims need medication ? How many Muslims do you have there Detroit?

Never heard you say a negative word about Muslims. What is your attraction to Muslims ?

Side: Hallelujah!
1 point

Hell, even Sarah Silverman doesn't make fun of Muslims. She fears she'll get blowed up ;)

Side: Hallelujah!

I find this video scary and sad. I'll pray for the little ones.


Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

This is ridiculous i beleive there is a god but i made that decision on my own. And who are these people forcing children to believe instead of them making their own choice.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

Most of these children will grow up resenting all those involved in their brainwashing.

Such psychologically disturbing indoctrination of minors before they can make a reasoned and mature assessment of all the religious hocus pocus should be made a criminal offence.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

I believe in God and his son Jesus, however i do not believe that this belief should be forced on to people or children. My parents were not overly religious and we went to church maybe 10 times throughout my childhood. My decision to believe in God was my own. Through my own experiences in life I feel that there has been a presence that has helped me through the good times and bad. I also do not believe that you have to go to church to be accepted by God but if you do choose to believe in something as large scale as Christianity you should probably at least learn a little about on your own if you dont want to go to church. I believe in a relationship with God as simple as taking some time out of your day do ask forgiveness for you sins and thank God for the life he has given you. I also believe that if you do pray that you should not only do it in times of misfortune or when you need something but when times are good as well. God should be found by each individual on his/her own and just going to church/ camp and going through the motions you were forced or obligated to is wasted energy if you do not want to be there and you do not believe. I believe because "I" chose to open my heart to the Lord, not because i was told to. You cannot force people to be saved, you must choose to be.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

Considering a Documentary was made called Jesus Camp, which chronicled the typical events of Kids on Fire School of Ministry, a Christian summer camp outside Devil's Lake (pause for irony...) North Dakota. Aside from evidence of psychological abuse, there were also allegations of sexual and physical abuse.

Becky Fischer (Reverend that ran the camp) announced that Kids on Fire would be closed indefinitely due to telephone calls, letters, and other negative reactions after the release of Jesus Camp. Fischer had rented the campground from the Assemblies of God, but was asked not to return because of vandalism at the campground after the film's release.[1] Kids on Fire was disbanded, but is now regrouped as Kids in Ministry International.

If you support the goings on in such camps, especially for children? I'm sorry, but you're very ill indeed. All I can say is, I certainly hope that people of your mindset are not in the voting majority in your district. This is demonstrably harmful to children, to the point of litigation. I fail to see how anyone with any knowledge of what these places actually do could propagate them as 'good,' in any sense of the word.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!