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True Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:28
Total Votes:28
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 True (18)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (7)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

If you don't vote for Romney, you are prejudiced against Mormons

We proved to the world

that we are not racist

by voting Obama into office.

Now let's prove that

we are not against religion

by voting Romney into office.


Side Score: 19

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 9

It's funny how a little liberal logic can lead to a debate ;)

Side: True
Jungelson(3959) Disputed
2 points

..? But i am against religion!

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

That's the more reason to vote for Romney. You need to show that you are not prejudiced against religion. ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Yeah time for the white house to have 2nd 3rd 4th 5th and 6th lady

Side: True

Does Romney have that many wives ;)

Side: True
1 point

He could he is a Mormon


Side: True
1 point

Damn straight! Anyone that doesn't vote for Romney is against him because he's Mormon! There could be no other reason. Like they don't like his policies or something??? Pssht!

Side: True

But then...if we don't vote for Jill Stein, aren't we just sexist misogynists!? D:

Side: True

We can vote for her during the next elections ;)

Side: True

Well...for the next 4 years....we're all just sexist misogynists. But at least we're not prejudiced against Mormons.

Side: True

Yes, that is right. I am very prejudiced against Mormons and would never vote for a Mormon like Romney.

Side: True
Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
1 point

Whats wrong with having 50 wives?


Side: True
2 points

Nope, saying exactly that IS prejudiced against Mormons, you're noting a difference in it. It's like if i say i don't like Obama, i'm not racist i just don't like his political views. For the record, they're better than Romneys. If i could vote, i would vote for Obama. Oh, and so what if i don't like Mormons?! Their book was written by a 14 year old, and they base their lives around his beliefs?! Yay..?! IF Obama was a Christian, and you didn't vote for him, would you be prejudiced against Christians?! NO! You wouldn't!

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

People voted for Obama because they didn't want to be racist. Now that that is no longer the issue, they need to vote for Romney so they are not prejudiced against Mormons ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Meh. Don't care. I'd still vote for Gary Johnson

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Really, what type of question is this??!! C'mon, yes we all know mostly Obama got into office cause he was black, and no I am not a racist. Yes people voted cause they like his views, but polls showed mostly cause people wanted change from a white male and half. I am not saying who I am voting for this coming election, but if someone doesnt vote for Romney doesnt mean that person hates Mormons. Hell I am dating a Mormon, and I also dated Mormons in the past. It's like saying the people who voted for Obama and not John McCain in last election is like saying they hated war heros, due to the fact McCain was a war hero, reason why he can't lift his arms past his sholders cause they were broken. Even if I do or don't for Romney it is not cause of "RELIGION" or skin color or what not. It is cause of what they person believes and and will do better for this eco.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

We are voting for the next U.S. president not about if that person is either black or white, mormon or athiest etc. We are voting based on what new changes he is promising for the future of the U.S. The statment:

If you don't vote for Romney, you are prejudiced against Mormons

is a statment...

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
2 points

not about if that person is either black or white, mormon or athiest etc.

Yes we do we did that 4 years ago when we elected Obama.

Side: True
GlaDos(41) Clarified
1 point

Good point...yes sadly people vote for that and not about how the person will change the U.S.

Side: True