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true Wait..., what? No!
Debate Score:61
Total Votes:69
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 true (20)
 Wait..., what? No! (18)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

In order to be an Atheist, you have to have faith....


...that there's no God.


Side Score: 30

Wait..., what? No!

Side Score: 31

Atheism is a religion ;)

Side: True
Bohemian(3860) Disputed
5 points

Faith is a belief. Atheism is a disbelief.

Belief =/= disbelief

Side: Wait..., What? No!
1 point

I'm wondering why this logic is ignored by many of society.

Side: Wait..., What? No!

Atheism is a belief that there's no God.

Come on. I hate to beg but..., throw me a bone here. Let me win one ;)

Side: Wait..., What? No!
4 points

"In order to be an Atheist, you have to have faith that there's no God."

You could just have faith that if god was real, relevant, and understandable then you could understand him by logic.

Analyzing the properties of various gods can lead you to reject the inconsistent ones.

Your lack of belief in what is typically considered god then would not be by faith that there is no god, but by faith that if there is a god then god is logically consistent.

Really though, if you think about it; God being a contradiction would explain why he is supposedly all powerful since you can conclude anything from a contradiction, although that would make any and all arguments of what God means to humanity invalid, since they would ultimately be reasoning from a contradiction. Faith that, if a god exists then it is a meaningful god will lead you to reject the most common versions of god.

Side: Wait..., What? No!
3 points

I did not make a leap of faith in order to deny a belief in a deity.

When others tell me that God exists, I merely decide that unless they have compelling arguments, I'm not going to believe in such a thing. That is not faith... that is basic reasoning.

I will say, however, that the interest of whether we can actually conclude if God exists or not (and in what form) is solved through Philosophy. And while there are many philosophical arguments out there, you will never be able to truly understand your faith or reasoning unless you argue from your own mind (and not just quote Epicurus or Aristotle).

Side: Wait..., What? No!
2 points

There is only one type of Atheism that asserts any type of belief, and that, I would argue in my opinion they must have faith in order to assert that belief. However, the question is worded to where it implies faith must be a requirement in order to be an Atheist; which is false. Only one type does, the others don't require faith because there is no belief to rely on faith or evidence for.

Side: Wait..., What? No!
1 point

nope faith is believing nomatter the facts. I do not believe there is no God I KNOW based on scientific fact. If there is a table in the middle of the room I do not have faith that it is there or believe it is there. I KNOW it is there! Big Difference!

Side: Wait..., What? No!
5 points

Prove that God doesn't exist based on scientific fact.-------------

Side: True
garry77777(1796) Disputed
3 points

What are you talking, atheism is lack of faith due to the absence of credible evidence, it is quite foolhardy to make a statement like;"I do not believe there is no God I KNOW based on scientific fact," because i can tell you there isn't a single scientist in the world that would agree with it, and that includes myself.

Side: True
Phreekshow(246) Disputed
1 point

Ummm I think one of the most famous and brilliant scientists of our times just stated that There is NO God! his name is (perhaps you have heard of it) Stephen Hawkings! no-god.html

That is just one. There are a pantheon of astrophysicists who will say the same!

Side: Wait..., What? No!
zombee(1026) Disputed
1 point

Science can't prove that something does not exist, especially something to which supernatural qualities are attributed.

You don't need faith to think something probably doesn't exist when there is no evidence, but you need it to say you 'know' it doesn't.

Side: Wait..., What? No!
casper3912(1581) Disputed
1 point

Science can prove that a man-made perpetual machine did not, does not and will not exist, at least in the sense of how science can prove things.

Side: True
Phreekshow(246) Disputed
1 point

Okay so do you think science cannot prove that magic, leprachauns, faith healing etc. do not exsist. These are all "supernatural" things that I think most rational people know that these ideas are foolish and live within the realm of fiction!

Side: True
casper3912(1581) Disputed
1 point

Faith is belief despite matters of accuracy. Every system of thought has basic axioms, when people hold a belief about these axioms or their resulting theorems they are also implementing faith because these axioms either possess no way to verify their accuracy or their accuracy isn't considered in the belief. For example: 2+2 = 4 can be wrong if some axioms of math doesn't hold. In the world we commonly observe we can see that rain drops do not add together, so 2 raindrops +2 raindrops = 1 raindrop(albeit a bigger one, but that is irrelevant). To say that 2+2 = 4 is to assume that what you are adding possess certain properties, aka to interject a belief which has an unknown accuracy. Your effectively creating a pretend world, and acting on faith that the pretend world and actual world match up nicely. It is only in a pretend world where everything has certain properties such that 2+2=4. In actually, the degree which anything possess those properties is less then ideal. For example, if two pieces of identical cake become smashed together, are they now 1 large(likely messy) piece of cake or just 2 pieces really close together? Keep in mind that cakes are formed in multiple pieces, such as wedding cakes. These types of objections against math being a matter of fact applies to any system of thought, for there is always uncertainty and thus some level of faith or at least, some level of acting like you have faith. Faith, or at least acting as if you have it, is an essential part of modeling, which is an essential part of living.

How do you know your perception isn't faulty?

The table could be part of a psychotic break.

Also, god is a question which science lacks the means to assess. Logic doesn't, but science does. God as usually understood is an empirically unfalsifiable hypothesis because god is usually considered as outside of nature and science deals only with nature and falsifiable hypothesizes about it. Now, if your a pantheist god is something different...

Side: True
1 point

Atheism is a negative (as in argument position, not as in a bad thing. Just saying to clear up) position, it's merely rejecting the position of the existence of a deity. Is an atheist taking the stance he/she does just because they believe so regardless of any facts? I beg to differ. Atheists take up their stance because:

1. Lack of evidence from the affirmative positiion, which in this case is from the people claiming that a deity exists. The affirmative position is the one with the burden of proof since they are asserting a position while the negative position questions the affirmative position.

2. Contradictions in scripture, and in religion itself.

3. Faith is blind, it requires no evidence to believe in it. Atheists do not blindly support Atheism just because. Atheists use facts, evidence, observations, and other natural phenomena to make decisions.

there are more reasons but I'm just naming a few.

Side: Wait..., What? No!