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Sounds like it. You're going to hell.
Debate Score:141
Total Votes:142
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 Sounds like it. (60)
 You're going to hell. (64)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Is God a rapist?


I don't recall Mary (Jesus' mom) giving her consent.

Hell, He didn't even ask Joseph (Jesus' dad) if it was OK.

Sounds like it.

Side Score: 64

You're going to hell.

Side Score: 77

Last night my wife was screaming, "Oh God, oh God, oh God..." so either God was raping her or I have reached God level. I don't think I've reached God level so it must be the former ;)

Side: Sounds like it.

I really hope God has a good sense of humor. I don't want to end up in hell because of an observation..., I mean..., joke ;)

Side: Sounds like it.

God is a rapist! I knew Mary very well; she was an emotional wreck after she had to carry her rapist's baby inside of her. I'm just glad Joseph was there to provide emotional support.

Side: Sounds like it.
1 point

Did Mary have a choice? No, then she was raped one way or another, no way to suger coat it.

Did God physically rape her? No, but he did force his will on her, so call it what you want , say what you want, but I still think God should be in Magens Law, just in case.

Side: Sounds like it.
1 point

Thats false. Rape has a specific definition. In order for the definition to fit the situation God would have to force her to have sex.

Rape: the unlawful compelling of a person through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.

God cannot even commence the rape since he cannot disobey himself. Sexual intercourse never occured. Therefore rape isn't the right term to use. No matter how you try to put it out it doesn't qualify as rape. She gave virgin birth. Meaning the egg just grew and God shaped it to be Jesus. Also God didn't force this upon her. She was in agreement the entire time only asking questions about her understanding of what's possible and what's impossible.

Duress also doesn't fit.

Duress: 1 : forcible restraint or restriction 2 : compulsion by threat ; specifically : unlawful constraint

God couldn't have raped her.

Side: You're going to hell.
1 point

Duress Does Fit. God Had A Track Record Of Severe Punishment For Not Doing What He Said, So If God Says You Will Have The Baby You Better Have That Baby. Duress Established.

Side: You're going to hell.
Warjin(1577) Disputed
1 point

I see so she was manipulated or else umm, even better, GO JOHN GOD-TI, so Gods a conman using mafia coercion, great that clears things up.

You must be a fun date for men with that mind set.

Side: Sounds like it.
pakicetus(1455) Disputed
1 point

Rape is sex without consent. God merely impregnated her, no sex ever happened.

He may have gone against her will, or not asked for consent, but regardless, that is not rape.

Side: You're going to hell.

He gives us that violated feeling that wakes us up in the morning. How else do you expect us to awake from slumber?

Side: Sounds like it.

And Mary was 12, so both god and Joe (Joe was by all accounts much older) were having sex with a "child". Yet, all these religious fanatics go crazy when you mention the pedo word. Many religious people just make up their own facts to rationalize it. Others (here is my favorite excuse) say, times were different and times have changed. Like god couldn't see into the future or delay puberty with a snap of his mighty fingers (or is it, the wave of his magic wand?)

Side: Sounds like it.
3 points

Well, I don't think you are going to hell, but I do not think God was a rapist. If Mary conceived a child based on divine intervention, then I don't think you can call it rape. After all, a child can be a product of a rape but not the rape itself.

Side: You're going to hell.
2 points

Well, I don't think you are going to hell,

Dang, you are so nice. If calling God a rapist doesn't get you in hell, not much will. You seem like a better candidate for God than God. You wouldn't be so quick to send people to hell and you have a website where people can come together instead of trying to prevent people from working together like the Tower of Babel.

Vote Andy for God 2018!

Note: I am just competing with Joe to see who can punch their ticket to hell sooner. ;)

Side: You're going to hell.

If you die before me, please put in a good word for me. Tell the Lord I'm not as bad as I come across and every once in a while I get lucky and tell a good joke ;)

Side: You're going to hell.
1 point

No, God isn't a rapist.

Side: You're going to hell.
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Did Mary give consent to being pregnant with Jesus?

Side: Sounds like it.
2 points

It wouldn't matter if she did. It doesn't fit the definition of rape.

Rape: the unlawful compelling of a person through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.

The situation doesn't fit the definition.

She also was okay with it.

Luke 1:38 - Mary responded, "I am the Lord's servant. May everything you have said about me come true." And then the angel left her.

She gave consent. She agree. She was conpletely in agreement woth what the angel said so how could this even count as rape?

Side: You're going to hell.
Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

The angel of the Lord told Mary that she would be pregnant with a child and to name her Jesus.

Side: You're going to hell.

I do recall her consenting. Luke 1:38 Then Mary said, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.

Side: You're going to hell.

But she was promised to Joseph!!! That shameless hussy!!! ;)

Side: You're going to hell.
2 points

How can she refuse God? He heals "headaches" and you can scream His name during sex without being a blasphemer. Imagine the orgasms. ;)

Side: Sounds like it.
1 point

I wonder what marys like in bed. Anyone know if she gives blow jobs?

Side: You're going to hell.
1 point

Only to unseen, non-physical entities that hide behind angels and cryptic clues.

Side: Sounds like it.
1 point

i don't think god would send somebody to hell. god loves one and all equally. so there's that. you're probably safe. ;)

also, there are, if you read greek mythology, or just percy jackson, instances that you ocme across, when gods have half human half god children.

and there are gods who do not like the idea of, well, bearing children for 9 months. i mean female gods probably don't.

so they just create a child, mixing their DNA and the other parent's DNA and all that normal stuff, and just create a kid, in probably less than 9 seconds. and there you go! no rape commited.

Side: You're going to hell.
mitgag(1651) Clarified
1 point

i see how the argument is probably ruining the whole joke, but oh well..

Side: Sounds like it.
1 point

Mary seems too happy and peaceful about the aftermath so I suspect she actually wanted it. Calling it rape was her excuse to not get stoned for adultery.

But you know what indeed God is? A deadbeat dad. He didn't write a single check to support raising JC, plus his divine absence lead him to take up with a ragtag combo of strange men, wandering the countryside. And later when JC got in trouble with the law God didn't come bail him out and he ended up screaming "why have you forsaken, me!", which probably means he heard how God showered his other bastard son, Ace, with gifts and attention.

Side: You're going to hell.