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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Sure, go 4 it. You should wait.
Debate Score:26
Total Votes:26
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 Sure, go 4 it. (10)
 You should wait. (11)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Is it alright to go swimming immediately after eating lunch?

I was swimming and then I ate lunch and I wanted to go back to swimming and my mom made me wait like, forever, a half hour or something.  I was going to call child protective services for child abuse but then I realized that I have to prove her wrong.  So do any of you know if my mom was just being mean or just lookingout for my best interest?

Sure, go 4 it.

Side Score: 14

You should wait.

Side Score: 12
3 points

Aren't you a little old to need your mother's permission to go swimming?

Side: Sure, go 4 it.

Hey, you said I was only posting uberHumor crap so I figured I would branch out. Now you're bitching about that ;)

Side: Sure, go 4 it.
1 point

That's just how I roll.

Side: Sure, go 4 it.
2 points

LMAO! The description was great.

Side: Sure, go 4 it.

Cavemen had to eat and run or get eaten themselves. We evolved from cavemen so we must carry the gene to eat on the run. Women evolved from cavewomen so they must have that gene too. Also, my mom complains about certain family members that, when they come to visit us, eat and run. I once ate what my mom cooked and I got the runs. I know running is not the same as swimming but I'm sure it helps mix up the food in there so that it can be digested fully. If I just sit there, the food in the middle of the pile won't get digested.

Spell check is telling me that I spelled cavewomen wrong and now I don't know who is being sexist; me for using cavemen or spell-check for not knowing cavewomen.

I feel sorry for cavemen. They had to kill lions in order to make their lioncloth and when they saw a pretty cavewoman she would immediately know. How embarrassing!!! They didn't even have school books to hide it.

I have to go now. Mom said I can go back now and swim.


Side: Sure, go 4 it.
1 point

I like this idea.

You, I like.


And then there was fifty random characters who showed up to meet an absurd quota.

Side: Sure, go 4 it.
1 point

your mother was probably looking out for you. although nothing very serious ever happens by it. except you might get cramps or stuff like that. so you can go swimming and MIGHT have to go through the cramps part. although it doesn't happen to everybody necessarily.

it's like exercising after lunch. similar to it anyway.

Side: Sure, go 4 it.
sauh(1106) Disputed
2 points

Swimming after eating wont give you cramps, if you're a guy. Cramps are a symptom of menstruation, men don't menstruate. Unless you meant that swimming after eating changes men into women. Swimming doesn't do that; unless you swim to Thailand.

I always thought it was funny that Thailand has so many lady boys, because it sounds like tie-land, like a men's clothing item.

Not that girls can't wear ties. Like as part of a Catholic school girl uniform. I once knew a girl who wore one of those, it was really sexy. Don't worry she wasn't a student she was a stripper. Well, I guess she was a student, in that, she was only stripping to put herself through nursing school.

I thought it was weird she wore a catholic school uniform instead of a nurses uniform. And not because she was studying to be a nurse, but because she was a Baptist.

Side: You should wait.
mitgag(1651) Disputed
1 point

Swimming after eating wont give you cramps,

ohkay. maybe not cramps. it'll give you a stitch in the side though. and they hurt like crazy. and feel like cramps.

i'm going to pretend i didn't read the rest. lol ;)

Side: Sure, go 4 it.

I have gone swimming after eating lunch and I never encountered any problems.

Side: Sure, go 4 it.
1 point

Eat and swim seems more like a crocodile gene to me....................

Side: You should wait.
1 point

You should wait because you can get cramps which can result in you drowning

Side: You should wait.
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

This is an urban myth. You really think your arms and legs don't function as well if you're digesting food? That would be pretty damn stupid. I thought you believe in intelligent design :P

Supporting Evidence: Myth (
Side: Sure, go 4 it.

I try not to do any activity too soon after eating.

Side: You should wait.
1 point

you could get cramps which would make you stop swimming and only go for after an hour or so anyway. so it would be best to wait outside painlessly than go through painful waiting.

you'd do either whether you go swimming or not. painless waiting is way better than painful waiting any day.

Side: You should wait.
1 point

I was going to call child protective services for child abuse but then I realized that I have to prove her wrong.

didn't you realise though, you're no more a child joe ;)

harsh reality. :P

Side: You should wait.

IF you have a weak stomach(I've seen people puke in the pool after eating a meal)

IF your stomach normally cramps up while doing a strenuous activity after eating.

IF you are out of shape

Side: You should wait.

Just eat and swim,and take some brick's with you as they will help you float and that myth is true,an Italian told me!

Side: You should wait.