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Hell yeah Nah, I trust them
Debate Score:62
Total Votes:68
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 Hell yeah (16)
 Nah, I trust them (16)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Is it time to ask CONgress WTF?

Let see, we have:

Federal control of ALL water, surrounding land, activities, (US Senate Bill 787 called the Clean Water Restoration Act)

Federal control of ALL food, (HR 2749)

Federal control of ALL electronic Communications, (Senate bills No. 773 and 778 both part of what's being called the Cybersecurity Act of 2009)

Federal control of ALL media, (Fairness Doctrine, others)

Federal control of weapons (the Blair Holt bill, the Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2009)

Multiple cases of attempting to classify dissent as terrorism or extremism (DoD training, DHS memo, Missouri State Police memo)

Hell yeah

Side Score: 31

Nah, I trust them

Side Score: 31

we are losing our liberties faster than Obama and company can print money ;)

Side: Hell yeah
4 points

The international bankers don't care who is in office. They are the ones who are causing this take over. The Fed is about to get the power to regulate everything. The banking dictatorship is on the way.

Side: Nah, I trust them
1 point

I couldn't agree with you more. These days, both HOR and senators of this great country are completely under the control of bankers throughout the planet through lobbying scumbags. I know.....let's make lobbying completely illegal and let's see who will then be willing to run for Congress/Senate and spend millions of dollars to be elected!!!!!!!!! Yeah, that's what I thought. Their only interest is to get voted in and then exchanged for the highest bidder as if they are on the stock market. Why else would someone go from a let's say $500k non-government salary to a job where you make less than that, at least officially?

Well, some might consider that to be somewhat unfair, so I think that one option is to:

First, anyone who can get at least 10,000 signatures to run for a seat be eligible for a financial support from the government with let's say $100,000.00, no more than that plus no one is allowed to any sort of donation, including their own money.

Second, anyone who is found to be suspicious of being lobbied and getting some financial suport from these lobyists should be immediately investigated, not after their term is completed. No exceptions. If proven guilty, give them maximum sentences without a chance of a parole.

With these two very fair (at least in my opinion) conditions, I strongly doubt that we would see many of those people running for we can all get citizens who will represent us and our needs better. Why? Because among the citizens of this country, there are many of those who would want to run for public office, but can't because they can't afford it or cannot get their name out there. Why? Because they are more honest and perhaps much less corruptible to pressure and financial opportunities that come from lobbyists.

Side: Hell yeah
Pineapple(1449) Disputed
1 point


He had a plan to pay it back set up, before he spent it. He's amazing, deal with it people.

Side: Nah, I trust them

Pay it back? I guess you think I still believe in the tooth fairy, the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus ;)

Side: Nah, I trust them
pvtNobody(645) Disputed
4 points

I'd sure as hell would like to know what this magical plan is.

Side: Hell yeah
dtrimble(32) Disputed
2 points

He is WAY too busy spending OUR money to have time to print it! Beside that job would be beneath the One!

Side: Hell yeah
dtrimble(32) Disputed
1 point

Truth is there is 127% more US currency available in the world now than one year ago.

This is more that 5 times the extra money that was printed during the Carter days.

Question: If the federal government is not printing money, where did all the "new" money come from?

Looking forward to you response.

Side: Hell yeah
3 points

It is ALWAYS time to ask your elected representatives WTF?

Side: Hell yeah
2 points

it's amazing that the arguments against this don't refute anything.

Yes, i believe in ENOUGH regulation to keep our water clean, but the truth is, we can't even use the water around us without Big Brother's permission.

and all the other things. Especially the Fairness Doctrine that even applies to Talk Radio (which is mainly for commentary). Commentaries should not be regulated in order to fit the needs of the GOVERNMENT. Commentaries are opinions, and they want opinions to be regulated. It's total bullshit (although, I don't think it has been passed, yet).

Side: Hell yeah
2 points

I don't agree with some of those points, but yeah it's getting to the point where congress is really fucking up. I think the problem is, in order to get a good position, even in congress, you have to be rich off of your ass. Yeah. I'm hating on the rich people. They don't represent me, and they don't represent the rest of America. They represent themselves, and that's what bugs me.

I honestly don't think congress is working the average American's interest.

Side: Hell yeah
1 point

we cant pretend that congress has everything under control and that the people in places of power are not at all thinking about themselves and how much money they will make

Side: Hell yeah
1 point

absalutely yes it is time to ask wtf

how many unfair things have to happen before we realize the goverment is NOT perfect and alot of the time NOT fair, not to mention all the things that have probably been covered up

Side: Hell yeah

Congress has an insatiable desire for control. Hence, CONtrol is in Congress.

Side: Hell yeah
2 points

I couldn't imagine having their job... No matter what you do, you're going to have 1/2 the nation pissed off at you all the time.

Government is changing, there is no way to stop it, all you can do is get in there and make sure you're changing it for the better or keeping people

from taking advantage of the system while it's changing. Socialism is something that will come about whether you like it or not, and to be honest, it's for the best of every person to stop

bitching about everything and get with the program. Society isn't small anymore, and it's only going to get bigger and more complex with every passing day.

The government is claiming all of this before it asks you if you want it all back... when you answer yes, you get your Socialized States of America... if you answer No, you'll get your Private Property of American Government.

Side: Nah, I trust them
1 point

Yes, clean water = fascism.

I really wish the Republican party could find another strategy besides running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

Side: Nah, I trust them

I don't think you understand the issue with 787.

S. 787 obliterates any respect for private property rights by giving total control and unchecked regulation of all waters of the U.S. to the federal government.

By removing the one word “navigable,” from the Clean Water Act, S. 787 will subject every landowner, business, county, and city to obtain a permit to use their water, subjecting them to unconstitutional regulation and discretionary jurisdiction of the Army Corp of Engineers or the Environmental Protection Agency bureaucrats.

Normal farming activities will be subject to citizen-suit provisions of the Clean Water Act, which will lead to expensive litigation and regulation.

Read the full text of the bill here:

Side: Hell yeah
1 point

Ok, I read the bill. Yep, it says they're going to regulate water. You're right, I don't see the problem here. Regulating water keeps contaminates out of our drinking supply, and that in turn keeps us healthy.

Side: Nah, I trust them
1 point

I agree. And lest we forget, when the federal government gets involved, its about control.

What will ordinary citizens do when the government controls food, water, money(taxes), and medicine?

They will "obey"

Sounds like tyranny to me.

Side: Hell yeah
0 points

"Is it's time"? You have worse grammar than me right now, and I'm silly drunk right now.

No. There are enough members of congress to check themselves. It's fine. But I don't think congress should waist their time on Baseball or other crap. FOCUS!

Side: Nah, I trust them
4 points

"should waist their time..."

Uh-oh waist should be waste. :)

Friends don't let friends drink and debate. ;)

Side: Nah, I trust them

Damn copy paste ;)

Hey, that reminds me, since I have 50 characters to use up, what did the fish say when he swam into a wall? answer: Dam! ;)

Side: Nah, I trust them
1 point

Very constructive way to use the 50 character limit to your advantage, that joke was actually kind of funny...

Side: Nah, I trust them

MKIced is right. You just got hoisted by your own petard. ;)

And he's getting up voted too ;)

Side: Hell yeah