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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Absolutely Absolutely not
Debate Score:37
Total Votes:45
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 Absolutely (7)
 Absolutely not (15)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Liberals, like Hitler, should be separated from the rest of the human race

Liberals, like Hitler, want a strong government.  Hitler wanted a government that would be strong enough to decide if you got to live or not.  Liberals are not that drastic but they do want a strong government that can force people to recycle, accept nationalized healthcare, cap and trade and a bunch of other programs designed to tell people how to live their lives.


Side Score: 12

Absolutely not

Side Score: 25

One of the most famous advocates for a strong government is Hitler. Do you want to be counted as one among that group ;)

Side: Absolutely
mudkipz2(360) Disputed
2 points

arguments like this make conservatives look bad. i mean wtf is this about. removed from society, if we did that we would be as bad as Hitler.

i am not liberal, i am conservative, but i must argue for reason when things like this our put up (i know this is just a fake fun debate most likely, but still what the hell, ima argue it). Hitler was a Conservative fascist. he was religious, believed in class structure, and supported family values. tyranny goes both ways on the political structure.

Side: Absolutely not

What happened was that I posted this debate:

in response to this debate: Should_practicing_Jews_christians_and_muslims_be_separated_from_the_rest_of_the_human_race

and I got a lot of hits. Then I realized that liberals, like Glen Beck, are always making Hitler comparisons and they get a lot of mileage out of that. So I figured that the formula for getting people to participate in my debates is to pick a group, compare them to Hitler and then wait for people to beat a path to my debate. :)

Side: Absolutely not

Liberals love the idea of jamming the iron fist of more government into everyone's ass because big brother is the dominatrix particularly when it relevant to economic policy by enforcing mandatory auto and health insurance.

As for comparing liberals to Hilter, this is a stretch even to the biggest imagination, but it is funny.

Side: Absolutely

Liberals like comparing everyone else to Hitler so I wondered how they liked a taste of their own medicine ;)

Side: Absolutely
cwmdulais(188) Disputed
2 points

cough GLEN BECK cough cough

so yeah. i call BS

and i let Lewis Black explain.;=related

Side: Absolutely not
3 points

Why are some on the right so obsessed with comparing liberals to Hitler? And why is Joe still on this site? I mean Terminator is going to overtake him in points in a couple of months, then his whole reason for being here is shot.

Side: Absolutely not

What do you mean? My sole reason for being here is to piss liberals off, not because of points. Although, I guess I've gotten so many point because I'm so good at pissing liberals off ;)

Side: Absolutely not
iamdavidh(4856) Disputed
1 point

Joe, being mad at you would be like being mad at a puppy for shitting on the floor. Sure it's gross, and you have to clean up his mess afterwards, but he's just a dumb puppy.

Side: Absolutely not
2 points

Eh, Culturally I'm pretty Liberal. I do hate Liberals in many ways (including their constant want to exterminate the Jews), but they can be a necessary evil.

They balance out Conservatives. Not everyone can be like me (sort of, but not fully Libertarian), so we need dumbasses to cancel out assholes (Liberals and Conservatives).

Side: Absolutely not
2 points

the bad thing about this argument is that the right in the states are only for small government, private rights and the stuff when it's convenient. example patriot act, or maybe something closer the tea party is complaining that obama is not taking peoples personal boats. they complain about the troops not doing stuff, and small business wait isn't that something the tea party was complaining about obama screwing over. oh well they can go bankrupt because we need more drilling. conservatives need to stop the hitler stuff when bush did how much agianst the public

bachmann WANTS government takeover
Side: Absolutely not
1 point

Bachmann is suck a hypocrite. I think the administration should have done these things, but she's supposed to be for limited government.

Side: Absolutely not

Bachman is a hypocrite, but if BP created this mess, then they will have to spend top dollar in order to clean up and compensation for the locals.

The government really has nothing that it can provide to help.

Side: Absolutely not
1 point

Yeah, because getting idiots who are destroying our planet to conserve a little is so evil. Why don't we shrink the military then everything will even out. Maybe even make the executive branch a little less powerful too. I don't want big government, I want the government to do things that help people. If people could help themselves, we wouldn't need government in the first place.

Side: Absolutely not
mudkipz2(360) Disputed
1 point

yes and no, but your anti military argument has made me disputed you.

why don't we shrink the military, then things would even out?

go tell Poland, France, and U.K of WW2 your idea, and go tell Israel of today your idea.

you'll see how a smaller military would be the worst thing to do.

and devestating our planet? becouse i forgot that america is number one in destroying our planet. not communist chinna ( a liberal state) who out puts the most co2 in the atmosphere and destroys the most rivers/lakes.

and i forgot america is number one in being selfish, (im supposing your later part of the sentince, to consver a little is so eveil, refers to us america), we have not only been number one in sending humintatian aid to the world, we have brought the most stability to countires of the world also, and i forgot that were out on the front lines in every attack on freedom while the U.N bichtes from the side lines about how were doing it wrong. yeah were the most destructive and selfish.

Side: Absolutely
1 point

That is a bigoted thing to say .

Side: Absolutely not